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  • maximus replied to the topic Property Expo in Brisbane in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    Hi. Don’t know anything about property expo in Brissy but if there is one, it may be worth your while attending. I went to the one held here in Sydney earlier on in the year and it gave me a good chance to speak (face to face) with different lenders, developers etc and also hear different (mini) seminars by people such as Margaret Lomas. A lot of…[Read more]

  • maximus replied to the topic Pick of the Week in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years ago

    Hi ya Sooshie. I think it’s a great idea and also agree on the goodwill part of the scenario too. Like many others on this forum you sound to be very good natured so I’m sure that you will have many successes (is that a word)[:D]

    All the best


  • maximus replied to the topic Population Growth Figures for QLD in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years ago

    Hmmmmm…. if only I could work out a way to come up with 9000 deposits……
    Sounds like the Qld market still has a way to go



  • maximus replied to the topic Questions to ask vendors… in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    Hi Cremin. Is this property to be your PPOR or for investment purposes? To me the most obvious question would be why are you selling? Also, a problem to one person may not be to someone else, for example, when I bought my PPOR the vendor told me that he avoided the next door neighbour because he talked too much. That was a problem for him but I…[Read more]

  • maximus replied to the topic Just Read the Book in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    Hi all. As I sit here on the forum, my copy of ” the book” just turned up five minutes ago (via courier) so I know what I’ll be doing for most of today.



  • maximus replied to the topic Hillcrest, Cresmead and Marsden area in Brisbane in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years ago

    Hi again 1×6. Just another thought. If you’re considering the Marsden area, dont write off Beenleigh. A little unit I bought there 18 months ago has doubled in value which suggests that Beenleigh has had its run but I was talking to an agent the other day from Beenleigh and he said that the area was still going ahead, and with a picture cinema…[Read more]

  • maximus replied to the topic Buy before or after one has sold one’s house ? in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years ago

    Hi Peter. Call me conservative but I personally would sell one place first before buying the other. Sure, you may have to rent for a little bit (or stay with family or friends) and store your belongings but it beats worrying about possibly two mortgages. It also depends on your actual situation and your comfort zones.



  • maximus replied to the topic RAGS TO RICHES in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years ago

    Hi again Adam, reading 224013’s post reminded me of a book also that you may be interested in. It’s called “The millionaire next door” by Thomas J Stanley & William D Danko. Once again, good luck and keep us all posted, hopefully one day you can interview me for your site.



  • maximus replied to the topic After your loan is paid… in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    Hi all. I got the impression that Arty wanted cash to live on not reinvest.


  • maximus replied to the topic Interest Only Loans in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years ago

    Hi Teylu and welcome. Don’t forget that with an interest only loan you can also make additional payments over the term of the I/O time frame, thus reducing the repaymets along the way and when it converts to P&I. Check with your mortgage originator or broker.



  • maximus replied to the topic Renovation opportunity scenario in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years ago

    Hi Cameron, sounds like good deal,also sounds like you have decided to buy. Keep us informed of what reno’s you do and the cost involved. As already mentioned, it should be great for capital growth too.



  • maximus replied to the topic Thanks to All! in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years ago

    I’m in total agreeance with the above, and believe in karma in as much that if we a little (in this case, advice, wisdom or experience) it comes back to us. A heartfelt thanks to everyone out there.



  • maximus replied to the topic After your loan is paid… in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years ago

    Arty, hi ya. The income does become part of your tax assessable income, but imagine having enough of those rents coming in that you dont have to work anymore. Who cares about the tax, you’ve realized financial freedom. Hope this helps.


  • maximus replied to the topic Hillcrest, Cresmead and Marsden area in Brisbane in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years ago

    Hi again 1×6. Have you tried looking for an I/P in the Redland Shire that you could do a reno on? Reno’s are definately not my specialty but if you’re handy (both physically and to the Redlands), it may be an option for you to get something there for the amount of money you wish to spend. Just a thought.



  • maximus replied to the topic BOOM to continue in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years ago

    Lets just hope that David Murray is correct in his assumptions and that the current boom continues a while longer. I also hope the interest rates stay low a while longer.



  • maximus replied to the topic Please need advice for bad agent? in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    Hi again Maggie. Obviously you have told the agent that you not happy with his service, which is a good start. My next step would be to put pen to paper and advise the principal of the agency how dissatisfied you are about the agent, also send a copy to Real Estate Institute in your state and ask for a reply. Don’t be surprised if it does fall on…[Read more]

  • maximus replied to the topic RAGS TO RICHES in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years ago

    Adam, great idea mate. I saw recently on T.V something about a website called “apprentice millionaire” (I think). Don’t know much about it, but it sounds similar to what you want to achieve. They have a website (not exactly sure of the addy), but I’m sure you will find it as it may help you with your venture.



  • maximus replied to the topic The acronym secrets in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years ago

    Hey HG. There is already a thread on this forum with your request. Check it out through the search function.

    All the best


  • maximus replied to the topic some body explain how rental purchase works in the forum No Subject 21 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Mauricio. Bluntly, (but definately not rudely), borrow money to buy a property, rent it out, any money left over after repayments is yours (positive), any shortfall is to be paid by you (negative). Hope this helps in some way.


  • maximus replied to the topic Please need advice for bad agent? in the forum No Subject 21 years, 1 month ago

    Hi maggie, it’s a shame you have to sell to get money for your settlement, otherwise I was going to suggest finding another agent. As it stands, you probably have your hands tied (and the agent would be aware of this). Just hope you get the price you need. Good luck.



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