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  • Profile photo of maximummaximum
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 23

    Thanks again Richard .

    Great stuff . l'll be in touch later in wk.


    Profile photo of maximummaximum
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 23

    Thanks Jon , good advice , l’m in the middle of doing just that – a good broker.
    Sorry , lf l appeared frustrated but no l’ve only just found this one . Ofcause there have been others but if we read the forum that’s all through it , seems to go with the territory.
    l am always surprised at the hassles allot of even well established investors, 1/2 a dozen or sometimes allot more properties come across with deals or even financing .


    Profile photo of maximummaximum
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 23

    Thanks for that info guys .

    l did add a story here about another funny situation l was in but remembered l've already told it  l think so l zapped that one but anyway .
    Back to the old contracts eh – bugar .
    lt's just so much messing around early on then costs you if it falls through . Happened a few times .
    l was sure there were other ways but no such luck by the look of it .
    l have just layed low until l see what l can do once or twice , nice and hassle free but l'm worried this one won't hang around.
    Owell , will weigh up the situation and take it from there this week .
    The realestates been leaving messages, sounds like his gonna want paperwork.

    Profile photo of maximummaximum
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 23

    Thanks for the feedback guys


    Profile photo of maximummaximum
    Join Date: 2006
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    That's a relief , thanks Tyson.

    Profile photo of maximummaximum
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    Thanks Zoe.
    lt's just the last rates notice that came with the vendors statement.Done plenty of price checking but this one is unusual and it's hard to match it up with anything else on the market there right now. Looks good, until l saw the rates notice valuation. Seemed a bit under .


    Profile photo of maximummaximum
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 23

    Thanks Terry.
    Yeah l wondered about that angle and ofcause in this day and age what is basically a simple thing would be tangled up in garbage wouldn't it .

    l wonder how companies set up that side of things then , they sell shares in a site of some discription all the time don't they.
    l guess the thing is structured that way from day one .

    Spose in my case it would basically just mean a second name on the finance and title , their share stated bla bla, sounds simple enough but –
    Truth is l'd rather keep the lot if l could scrape through , much simpler , more for me later too.


    Profile photo of maximummaximum
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 23
    fitzydarling wrote:

    Hi Max
    I'm in the south west too.  Iwould be interested in discussing any JVS too.


    Hi Fitz

    l'll PM you .


    Profile photo of maximummaximum
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 23

    [Hi Rebecca

    l'm in the Warrnambool area -other side to you l think.

    l have 3 in mind right now , l'd like to grab the lot if l could .A house and subdivide, a block and divide plus a 3rd , a storage setup. All look good but it's would use up any cash l have to get the three at once so if any of those interest ya , you should PM me .
    l'd really like to do some quick ones right now to to build up some cash to . Two of these are very straight forward divides so l'm hoping they'll be pretty quick .

    quote=rebecca22] Greetings,

    My partner and I are in Warburton and looking for cosmetic reno properties to place under contract and flip to aquire cash flow to invest or info on any groups doing this near Melbourne.

    Where are you both? We are both practical, hands on and also interested in finding a good lawyer who can do the

    assignment of contract.

    Best Regards


    Profile photo of maximummaximum
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 23

    Thanks Terry
    Difficult alright , l’ve tried for 3 mths , l only have 2 weeks left .
    l think it’s worth atleast 250 but that doesn’t seem to impress the last broker that had it or the banks at all.
    l would consider a wrap at this point if there was one around a little cheaper . l just have trouble liking the idea of paying an extra 40 or 50 on top of a price l bagained so hard for.


    Profile photo of maximummaximum
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 23

    Na the 4 or 5 could just be the savings from renting instead . [ l think ] .
    The rest , l just don’t know enough about yet to work out so at this stage l wouldn’t have a clue to be honest .

    Originally posted by redwing:

    Is it only a $4-5k a year saving?

    Have you done the sums on all deductions and savings ??

    “Money is a currency, like electricity and it requires momentum to make it Effective”
    Count The Currency With This Online Positive Cashflow Calculator

    Profile photo of maximummaximum
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 23

    Thanks very much for the ideas guys.
    We think we could probably get a very nice rental we’d like for 2-250 PW [ bargain hunting that is ] . Our place would also rent higher because it’s on a few ac’s but youknow to me a 4 or 5 grand a yr saving wouldn’t make it worthwhile uprooting ourselves for . As far as any other savings go l definitely have to learn more about it all before l can do some sums l guess.
    One idea we’ve had is that we could be paying of a 2nd property as well from this one with some manovering . Mind you we blow any change at the moment and it helps me not have to work too much which l like , so just where all that would stand if we did something else l can’t tell yet .

    Profile photo of maximummaximum
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 23

    Here’s a what if , all comments appreciated .
    What if – as in my situation , your home property all up could rent out at around 700 PW. , because of other rentals all within the same property and mortgage as well as the house itself. Where as our mortgae is only 300 PW .
    We like living on our own place and this one in paticular and are sick of renting as we did for yrs in travels . But really we could rent this whole property out for around 700 pw maybe more now with as l said only a 300 pw mortgage .
    So should we be renting it all out then and renting something else ourselves , is there something much smarter we could be doing with it and build up ? We only have the one property .

    Profile photo of maximummaximum
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 23

    Thanks very much Terry .
    Much help and appreciated.

    Profile photo of maximummaximum
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 23
    Originally posted by MichaelYardney:

    Originally posted by hb:

    the 64million dollar question???????

    ask any guru and you get completely different answers….

    MichaelYardney says….
    Our research shows that markets have bottomed in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane (this doesn’t mean we in the next boom yet!)

    I am actively buying for myself – have for 6 months- and very strongly for clients.

    and according to Bernard Salt , trendspotter for KPMG
    “a modest upturn will kick off in late 2007,or perhaps 2008”
    and “There’ll be another weak boom in 2018-2020”
    and after that “all the baby boomers will be dead and then the property market will hit the wall”

    weak boom 2018-2020……what???????
    i’ll be dead by then

    i’m sticking with micheal…….
    hope your right?????

    I have a lot of respect for Bernard Salt as an economist. You probably now, but he is the one who came up with the term “sea change and told everyone to buy coastal properties.

    He is the one who said buy in Manura and prices skyrocketed.

    He was interviewed in the pares last week….

    Guess how many proeprties he owns???


    Interesting isn’t it – he’s an economist and says he will buy one property in the next 3 years and in interestingly it will be in Melbourne.

    By the time he buys his one property, the 4 I bought i the last 6 months will have gone up in value?

    How much? I’ll tell you in 3 years time.[biggrin]

    Michael Yardney
    Author of Australia’s leading property e-magazine.
    Join over 10,000 readers each month.
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    How odd . l wonder why he didn’t own any property and does that mean he has never owned any or just didn’t at the time for some reason ?
    Someone here said they were selling up to rent instead , l never understand that idea either !
    All the best .

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