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  • maxi replied to the topic I am lost~~ in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 5 months ago

    What about buying a property for a short term,
    renovate the minimum and back onto market? Need to do your homework, but I have done and am doing and it is raising more capital for me. Then if you invest with more deposit it will be more likely to be cah positive.

    Maxene L Thomas

  • maxi replied to the topic Oliver Hume’s Investment Property Strategy in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 5 months ago

    I haven’t heard of him, but I am relatively new at investing.
    Personally I am not convinced about negative gearing. Currently I buy a property and get a team in to renovate and back on the market asap. The point being to raise more cash so I have more deposit to put down. I think buying for location is great, but am not so sure it is quite so…[Read more]

  • maxi replied to the topic Web Site To Sell Property in the forum No Subject 19 years, 5 months ago

    http://www.trademe (I think it is is a site in NZ where property is advertised/sold online

    Maxene L Thomas

  • maxi replied to the topic Extracting equity after development in the forum No Subject 19 years, 5 months ago

    Can you get a line of credit for the amount you are wanting? Then you can draw down on it and repay or do whatever with it.

    Maxene L Thomas

  • maxi replied to the topic builders taking to long. in the forum Value Adding 19 years, 5 months ago

    Can you check with the MBA on this? Do they not have standards / inspectors re this sort of thing?

    Maxene L Thomas

  • maxi replied to the topic Landscaping Required in the forum Value Adding 19 years, 5 months ago

    what area are you wanting the landscaper for?


    Maxene L Thomas


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