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  • maxamise replied to the topic What Attendees Thought Of The 2016 Millionaire Mega Conference in the forum Heads Up! 8 years, 6 months ago

    Really pleased I took 3 days out of my busy schedule to catch up and refresh myself on strategies, skills and market updates. This was an inspirational event which you just need occasionally to get refocused and re-driven to move forward. Thanks for putting it on Steve.

  • maxamise replied to the topic Poll: What is your primary investing strategy for 2016? in the forum Opinionated! 8 years, 11 months ago

    I’ve selected “Buy and Hold” for growth, but only in markets that have room for growth (eg Brisbane) – Sydney and Melbourne generally are excluded currently, but I am finding some distressed sellers in Sydney at the moment, so there may be opportunities. Particularly interested in Sydney if there are manufactured growth opportunities with…[Read more]

  • maxamise replied to the topic Poll: What is your primary investing strategy for 2016? in the forum Opinionated! 8 years, 11 months ago

    I’ve selected “Buy and Hold” for growth, but only in markets that have room for growth (eg Brisbane) – Sydney and Melbourne generally are excluded currently, but I am finding some distressed sellers in Sydney at the moment, so there may be opportunities. Particularly interested in Sydney if there are manufactured growth opportunities with…[Read more]

  • maxamise replied to the topic The Verdict On Steve McKnight’s 5 Day Bootcamp in the forum Heads Up! 9 years ago

    I’ve been investing in Real Estate for nearly 40 years, but have had significant challenges in the last 25 years due to an intensely risk averse spouse. My purpose was to get her to attend to provide empowerment so that she could support my return to property investing – a source of constant frustration at being sidelined. The way the course was…[Read more]


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