max1999 replied to the topic top towns in W.A. in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
As “newby” suggests I really haven’t too many clues but what is the 11 second rule???/
If you don’t ask you will never know!
max1999 replied to the topic Residential tax deduction ? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Great a chick that’s in the know… I recently posted the following question, do you think you could help me?
I’m Paulette from WA, really just a novice (at the moment) you certainly sound like you know a thing or two.I am interested in wraps but I believe it is just a little to difficult for me at present. I was looking at the…[Read more]
max1999 replied to the topic How to start with $800K + 3IP’s ? in the forum No Subject 22 years ago
I’m Paulette from WA, really just a novice (at the moment) you certainly sound like you know a thing or two.
I am interested in wraps but I believe it is just a little to difficult for my at present. I was looking at the possibility of being a “mini” developer, ie; buying “the worst house on the best street” renovating & selling in quick…[Read more]