max147 replied to the topic Bowen Basin QLD Mining Towns – Opinion on offer in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
shoooshoo wrote:
hey guys i'm considering buying this unit in Dysart, i have heard that this unit, or maybe something like it, was going for cheaper in the local newspaper., read this post in the link below.I was keen on these also as I have an IP in Dysart since…[Read more]
max147 replied to the topic Bowen Basin QLD Mining Towns – Opinion on offer in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
Good Tradespeople in Dysart?Can anyone recommend the following tradespeople for work on IP in Dysart:- builder- tiler- electrician- floor sander- carpet layer- painter I have used an electrical company & a builder both based in Dysart & I am not impressed.Thanks & regards Max.
max147 replied to the topic QLD mining regions (Bowen & Surat Basins & Gladstone): Willing to help anyone with questions in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
StevieC wrote:
Hi Josh,you are doing what I'd love to be doing myself if I had the time. I've been thinking about investing in either the Bowen Basin or Surat Valley now for almost a year and I'm ready to do something. There are possibilities for buying properties off the plan in Middlemount and Dysart that would give a 10 to 11% rental yield.…[Read more]