MattyH started the topic Roof repair and paint. in the forum Legal & Accounting 5 years ago
Hi guys,
Just a quick one regarding how a roof repair and paint is treated come tax time.
Have held the property for 10 years. Lived in it for the first 3 then have had it rented out since.
Never had any trouble with the roof when we lived there as it was recently painted and in good condition.
A recent storm here on the Gold Coast led to…[Read more]
MattyH replied to the topic Rendering in Canberra in the forum Value Adding 13 years ago
Gidday Jamie,
I’m thinking about getting my place rendered. I’m interested to hear how much it cost for what sized place?
Also it’s probably be done before somewhere on the forum, but what are people’s thoughts on the cost vs the increased value of a rendering a brick home?Cheers,
Matt.MattyH replied to the topic Question on finance / saving for first IP. in the forum Finance 15 years ago
Gidday Terry,
I have cashback available on the loan, and was thinking this may be a good option, but by leaving the extra $80k on the PPOR I thought this would enable me to borrow 100% for the investment property against that equity, therefore maximising tax benefits?
I guess it all comes down to the numbers at the end of the day…