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  • MatthewM replied to the topic Am I better off starting out with a partner? in the forum Help Needed! 9 years, 4 months ago

    Thanks for your reply Jacqui, let me clarify. I have someone in mind to partner with who is like me, he’s starting out. I am mostly concerned that at the end of a renovation project, I may feel that all the hard work was not worth it when I am only keeping half the profit. The attraction is the clear benefit of working faster and having extra…[Read more]

  • MatthewM started the topic Am I better off starting out with a partner? in the forum Help Needed! 9 years, 4 months ago

    Hello investors. I am interested in renovating older properties and flipping them for profit. I have spent a lot of time reading and researching and now feel that I am capable of making good decisions and selecting properties that will be suitable. I have been considering entering into a partnership with someone who shares my interest in…[Read more]

  • MatthewM started the topic Am I better off starting out with a partner? in the forum Help Needed! 9 years, 4 months ago

    Hello investors. I am interested in renovating older properties and flipping them for profit. I have spent a lot of time reading and researching and now feel that I am capable of making good decisions and selecting properties that will be suitable. I have been considering entering into a partnership with someone who shares my interest in…[Read more]

  • MatthewM became a registered member 9 years, 5 months ago


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