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  • Matt4 replied to the topic WealthScore…. How Did You Go? in the forum General Property 13 years ago

    Doesn’t the calculation imply you need every cent of your current income to survive? ie, assumes you aren’t saving any of it

    I could double my wealthscore by taking a job that paid half as much as my current one

  • Matt4 replied to the topic Just one thing worth…. in the forum Opinionated! 21 years ago

    …….or ‘aura’

  • Matt4 replied to the topic Attention all literate people in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    i resorted to cheating [}:)] and found an answer at the bottom of this page;


  • Matt4 replied to the topic we survived…. in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    Very interesting

    But i don’t think that much has changed except public perception. ie. we are now more ‘scared’ than ever because of media hype. eg. society is probably not more violent but we are more aware of violence and therefore we are not as carefree as the good old days

    That’s sorta what this book talks…[Read more]

  • Matt4 replied to the topic My financial position in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years ago

    Hi Ziffel,

    I work in an insolvency firm so should be able to help you [:D

    Your bankruptcy only applies to all personal debt as at the date of the trustee’s appointment. So, the only debts you need to worry about now are those incurred after the date of bankruptcy. (ie, you shouldn’t have any ‘past/unknown’ debts)

    As for your credit rating, i am…[Read more]

  • Matt4 replied to the topic Addictive… in the forum Forum Frolic 21 years ago

    by holding the stop button in and then letting go when the colour changes i managed .13

    without cheating like this i can’t beat .19


  • Matt4 replied to the topic Addictive… in the forum Forum Frolic 21 years ago


    little bro got .21

    i think age is a factor!


  • Matt4 replied to the topic What does one listen to in the forum Forum Frolic 21 years ago

    Music is even more exciting then investing!

    Everything has it’s place, but some of the best stuff ever comes from The Doors, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Metallica, Soundgarden (+ anything with Chris Cornell), Jeff Buckley, Jeff Beck, The White Stripes, Eric Clapton, Dream Theatre, Faith No More (+ all other Mike Patton stuff), Hendrix, Queen, Nick…[Read more]

  • Matt4 replied to the topic List Why Property Beats Shares in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years ago


    Your course sounds like it has some interesting material.

    One thing I don’t believe however is that it can teach a person to return 43% p.a without taking more risk. If you can consistently do this, then you will be the richest person in the world before too long.

    You could manage a fund that pays out 30% a year. This would attract b…[Read more]

  • Matt4 replied to the topic List Why Property Beats Shares in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years ago

    I think the book that everybody should read is Buffettology. If they have read it then they should read it again.

    ‘it’s the fundamental analysis part that i think is boring. Reading annual reports, and such.Having to have an encyclopaedic knowledge of the economy and always reading the financial section of the newspaper’

    Buffettology will tel…[Read more]

  • Matt4 replied to the topic List Why Property Beats Shares in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years ago


    I’ll have to disagree on your point that fundamental analysis does not work. Warren Buffett has done ok for himself. I think you have simplified fundamental analysis into the idea that stocks are merely bought and sold based on there ‘value’. Followers of fundamental analysis seek to buy the right shares at the right price. A stock being…[Read more]

  • Matt4 replied to the topic No renters! in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi banner

    I guess it is just part of the risk of property investing. Therefore effective risk management is the key – this might involve holding some cash reserves as a buffer.

    Steve’s book talks about the importance of the tenants in property investing. I think his point is that the better the situation is for the tennant, the less likely they…[Read more]

  • Matt4 replied to the topic shaneb in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Shane is clearly very clever

    He has a razor sharp wit

    I think he is going places

  • Matt4 replied to the topic BetOnMarkets- small invest in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Hi Hareee

    I notice you have posted the same thing here at the Stockcentral forum;

    clearly you are the affiliate? you don’t seem to mention that in your post.

