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  • matt1473 replied to the topic Feedback on 'Custodian Wealth Builders' in the forum Heads Up! 13 years ago

    hi, for people who dont know all the facts about john Fitzgerald, all profits from wealth builders goes to his 2 schools for street kids to have a brighter future, his main business is as a property developer. he does these course to help people with financial freedom by showing them a system that otherwise they would have no idea about, yes he…[Read more]

  • <font color=”#000000″>hi, for people who dont know all the facts about john Fitzgerald, all profits from wealth builders goes to his 2 schools for street kids to have a brighter future, his main business is as a property developer. he does these course to help people with financial freedom by showing them a system that otherwise they would have…[Read more]

  • matt1473 replied to the topic Feedback on ‘Custodian Wealth Builders’ in the forum Heads Up! 13 years ago

    hi, for people who dont know all the facts about john Fitzgerald, all profits from wealth builders goes to his 2 schools for street kids to have a brighter future, his main business is as a property developer. he does these course to help people with financial freedom by showing them a system that otherwise they would have no idea about, yes he…[Read more]


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