Matt007 replied to the topic Duty changes QLD – Opinions in the forum General Property 14 years ago
An idiotic government robbing Peter to pay Paul with zero understanding of how to manage a budget. Concocted purely as a 're-election' strategy rather than a practical or realistic one.First class idiots the lot of them.NEXT!
Matt007 replied to the topic Bank refusing to allow or accept a revaluation of my property in the forum Finance 14 years ago
Pigs ar*e. It sounds like weasel words to me. I know they have panel valuers and requested one to conduct the val. I have never before heard of a bank refusing to allow someone to revalue their home to reflect current market prices. Just comes across very much like they're trying to avoid something that may put me in a stronger position than I'm…[Read more]
Matt007 replied to the topic For those interested in Mackay in the forum General Property 14 years ago
Mike – would you like me to pass on your details to my Mackay people?
Matt007 replied to the topic Using Options in the forum Using Options 14 years ago
You should also search on the options threads in here. Depends on how you're going to learn about them – through your own learning and research, or go down the seminar route. If you're going down the seminar route, serach thoroughly in this forum once again, read everything that's there before paying anyone any money. Also look up philip sigglekow…[Read more]
Matt007 replied to the topic For those interested in Mackay in the forum General Property 14 years ago
Thanks Trent, I'll get my contacts partner to get in touch with you as I'm on site the next day or two and out of phone range.
Matt007 replied to the topic For those interested in Mackay in the forum General Property 14 years ago
Thanks dchart, I'll pass on your details. Let me know how you go. Happy to speak offline in more detail.
Matt007 replied to the topic For those interested in Mackay in the forum General Property 14 years ago
Admin,because they asked me not to post their details in an open forum, so I'm respecting that and passing on details of anyone who wants to chat to them.Matt.
Matt007 replied to the topic Quenstion for Builders in the forum Thanks Scott, I’ve contacted 14 years ago
Thanks Scott, I've contacted some of the QS I work with in other areas. Will see what comes up.
Matt007 replied to the topic Mount gravatt corridor in the forum General Property 14 years ago
This is a long term thing they're considering at the moment for key 'hubs' around Brisbane to de-centralise from the CBD area. I doubt any construction will start in the next 3-5 years as if you're familiar with the areas they're well established and quite old in some parts, so any new buildings or highrises will be redevelopments, reclamations or…[Read more]
Matt007 replied to the topic LMI Question in the forum Finance 14 years ago
I'd love to refinance away, but like I say, Genworth are saying no and therefore I can't I think I trip to the Ombudsman or Channel 9 is next
Matt007 replied to the topic LMI Question in the forum Finance 14 years ago
Marty – correct it wasn't a low doc originally. Richard, I did use a broker many years ago but am now dealing directly with Adelaide Bank.
Matt007 replied to the topic LMI Question in the forum Finance 14 years ago
Thanks RichardI was told that Genworth would not approve the refinance so therefore Adelaide Bank would not proceed with my application.
Matt007 replied to the topic Subdividing in Brisbane/Ipswich in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
There is no average number as it is all calculated on figures contained in the town planning documents/zone plans etc, and then calculated on how many dwellings, people, car trips and so on and etc. Put it this way, councils will charge you up to $500 to work it out for you, or tell you for free in a prelodgement meeting. Look up the town plan…[Read more]
Matt007 replied to the topic land banking in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
Thanks Intrigue – Sri can you clarify whether you are talking about buying 'off the plan' or actual land banking as they're two separate things requiring two separate strategies.DA=Development ApplicationMCU=Material Change of UseThey're only relevant if you're looking at land/sites with development potential.Thanks,Matt.
Matt007 replied to the topic land banking in the forum What sort of document are 14 years ago
What sort of document are you using to 'control' the land with your 10%? Option? Some other form of agreement? IT all comes down to how you did it in the first place. Without knowing the details its hard to give any kind of suggestions or estimates on what's possible or not possible. As JacM suggests, if you find a piece of land elligible for…[Read more]
RBA notes have shown, and financial commentators have also supported, that funding costs have remained pretty flat the last few months. So the assertion by banks that their funding costs are increasing continually is in a word, bullshi*. I for one am well past having my intelligence insulted monthly by the Big 4. David Koch wrote a good article on…[Read more]
Matt007 replied to the topic property developers in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
If you mean a DA to subdivide a lot or, in their terms, reconfigure a lot, it could be anywhere from 15-30K. there's no exact figure unless you rang one of the planning companies to get a quote on the DA for you, which will take a few days for them to do. If its a simple residentially zoned lot, and the council supports subdivision of the lot size…[Read more]
Matt007 replied to the topic Bowen Basin QLD Mining Towns – Opinion on offer in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
What are teh opportunities like for building out there? Any of the mentioned towns I mean? Available sites? Cost to build? Demand for stock?
Matt007 replied to the topic average development profits?? in the forum Value Adding 14 years ago
As someone said above, most lenders look for 15-20%profit before they'll consider it. They will also look for (in some cases) 100% presales which is why there is so much being sold off the plan these days. Some lenders will take less but they essentially won't accept any risk at all these days. I like the 'spend a mill make a mill if it costs you…[Read more]
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