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  • mathewc73 replied to the topic A BIG Tree! in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 6 months ago

    Thankyou for your replies. I will follow up with council and yep, a tree lopper if I chose to purchase.


  • mathewc73 replied to the topic good email software in the forum Forum Frolic 18 years, 6 months ago

    Just depends on how you want to manage the lists and how you want to use them. Just about all email programs allow you to create email groups and add members to them.

    One thing I have noticed, may be ISP though, I tried to email to 20+ people once and I was not allowed as it thought I was spamming!

    Good free email software:
    Mozilla -…[Read more]

  • mathewc73 replied to the topic Line of credit in the forum Finance 18 years, 6 months ago

    Can I ask why you want to pay your PPOR with a LOC? Usually the IR on the LOC is higher, plus if your LOC is meant for investment purposes you could risk losing the tax deduction you can make on the interest as you have used it for personal use…

  • mathewc73 replied to the topic Kiyosaki’s new book in the forum General Property 18 years, 6 months ago

    There are some good books that identify the gender differences such as “You just dont understand” and “talking from 9 till 5” (I think thats the second title).

    Point is the rationalisation behind a decision and the method used to build up your network of poeple and closing deals can be different based on gender.

    And its not just becuase of who…[Read more]

  • mathewc73 replied to the topic Mobile internet and phone in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 6 months ago

    At the end of the day what ever you chose, you may only be worse off by a couple of hunderd dollars which is small in the big scheme of things. Maybe just go the way you are familiar with and that is reliable so you wont have to focus your future efforts on fixing problems or getting frustrated which is something that takes away from your focus…[Read more]

  • mathewc73 replied to the topic NSW – Homes for quick sale in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 6 months ago

    I have only purchased the not so creative way via agents.

    Can I ask, anyone out there who has placed an ad in their paper offering cash for property? Does it work better? ie did you find you received a good response and how much discount do you think go won?

    How about letter drops, has anyone done this and is it successful?


  • mathewc73 replied to the topic Independant brokers in Melb???? in the forum No Subject 18 years, 6 months ago

    To me it sounds like you should talk to your accountant first. They can advise you on structures, etc.

    Once you know your structure you can then find the most suitable finance via a broker…

  • mathewc73 replied to the topic Numbers of properties v’s cash equity? in the forum General Property 18 years, 6 months ago

    My goal is to build net worth. I can use leverage to get there and on my leverage I control cashflow (affordability) and captial growth (location) and risk (location, property type, median value, etc)

    I try to keep it simple too!

  • mathewc73 replied to the topic Opinions on DIY Flat pack kitchens in the forum Value Adding 18 years, 6 months ago

    Im melb if you are handy Grays auctions have home renovator auctions about every 3 weeks and they have pre-fab kitchens that you can measure up and cut to fit.

    We got a freedom kitchen which was pretty good quality and a little more exy than the flatpacks. But what we learnt is they just contract an experience installer (maybe a cabinet…[Read more]

  • mathewc73 replied to the topic My turn to Brag !! in the forum Value Adding 18 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Amanda,
    Can I ask what the total duration took?

    Also how many work hours in total you think was spent?

    Im thinking Im going to have to do something similar soon, but I also work full time.


  • mathewc73 replied to the topic Centerlink in the forum Opinionated! 18 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Tim,
    Ill have to follow that up. My PM informed me she also must sign something and this means that the payments cannot be cancelled without her permission as well.


  • mathewc73 replied to the topic wardrobe doors in the forum No Subject 18 years, 7 months ago

    I think standard laminate doors would be cheaper. You then dont need an aluminium frame. Downside is they can be less rigid.

    Or you could go mid way: 1 mirror and 1 laminate (maybe)?

  • mathewc73 replied to the topic Who gets & pays for what in a long term s/ment? in the forum No Subject 18 years, 7 months ago

    In the license I have setup (for access to part of a building) the insurance must be taken out by the licensee (incase they cause damage or injury). But I still have overall building insurance becuase its not worth loosing $100,000s of dollars in a dispute if it ever came up.

    I agree you should take out building insurance (if its not clear in…[Read more]

  • mathewc73 replied to the topic Mobile internet and phone in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 7 months ago

    I have done something similar. I have IBurst wireless I think it was 64/256 and I used Skype. However the delays are noticable (like some bad phonecards) and so you need to be patient.

    I upgraded to 256/512 or 256/1mb I cant remember which and it made no difference.

    Im not sure if its the latency in the wireless network, ISP, Skype or the…[Read more]

  • mathewc73 replied to the topic Just one tip with negotiating in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 8 months ago

    My one tip is for those who cannot tell a lie!

    Do all what what Steve recommended and be sure you believe in your rationale. Dont just pick a number and put fluff around it! Have strong, justifiable evidence.

    No science here, but the other side will react more in your favour if you strongly believe in your offer.

  • mathewc73 replied to the topic Where to advertise online private rental in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 8 months ago has really bad service to listers, however it does get results if you set your ad up right. So I would use it.

  • mathewc73 replied to the topic Record keeping & housekeeping in the forum General Property 18 years, 8 months ago

    I just use a simple Spreadsheet…

    At about the 10th day of the month I do my last month end. Takes about 1 hour to download all transactions and cross check all statements and bills. Its also when I query my agents regarding repairs, tenant issues, etc.

    I use the end of year statements from the agents as a reconciliation process, however I…[Read more]

  • mathewc73 replied to the topic Interest Only Loans in the forum Creative Investing 18 years, 8 months ago

    Sorry just got a Q on IO Loans…

    Isnt the reason why the banks are restrictive with what they do becuase the buy money in a different way to lend to IO opposed to P+I?

    So if I became a lender and I offered an IO loan I know the client will only pay interest which means all I need to do is purchase the principle wholesale at a lower rate for the…[Read more]

  • mathewc73 replied to the topic free stuff in the forum Value Adding 18 years, 8 months ago

    When we added a room at my parents house we able to pick up window frames, windows and doors. all we did was re-putty the windows into their frames and re-paint everything. Had to pay about $100 which was fair!

    Oh, then need to change the extension plans a little for the windows to fit!

    Yep it pays to look for demolitions as well :)

  • mathewc73 replied to the topic Secondhand/near new kitchens and bathroom in the forum No Subject 18 years, 9 months ago

    Grays auctions have frequent home renovators auctions and you can buy pre-built kitchens, granite tops and new bathrooms at a good price.

    They can even beat the factory outlets (be sure you know your prices).

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