mathewc73 replied to the topic I accept total liability… in the forum Legal & Accounting 18 years, 4 months ago
Thanks for the feedback Terry.
mathewc73 replied to the topic Risk Management in the forum General Property 18 years, 4 months ago
I know this does not answer exactly what you asked, but is classified as risk management.I would suggest a .25 or even a 1% rate rise is only one risk you need to plan for. Other items I think are important to minimise you risks are:
1. Insurance – to protect you from accidental or deliberate damage
2. Pests and rot
3. Lack of maintenance…[Read more]mathewc73 replied to the topic Commercial Property Business Ideas in the forum No Subject 18 years, 5 months ago
This sounds like fun!Ideas, and sorry some of these Im not sure are considered retail or commercial….
1. Money exchange
2. Phone card (kind of entertainment)
3. News agent?
4. Video rental shop (one of those juke box DVD rental things)
5. Take away coffee shop would fit
6. Display case for advertisingWhat type of people traffic will…[Read more]
mathewc73 replied to the topic What to do with $250,000 in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 5 months ago
If if was me I would put it all on the PPOR. Then use the PPOR as security for any future investments. That minimises my non deductable expenses and still allows me to leverage into shares or other Reduce loan to $50,000. This is non deductable.
Draw another loan of $60,000 secured by your PPOR and purchase your fund. This…[Read more]mathewc73 replied to the topic Experience with student accom? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 5 months ago
Some tips, call YMCA Student Accom in Melb or go to Ask them what works and what does not.A 12 month lease from Jan/Feb is best and it will minimise your vacancy. However you need to plan for it as once a semester starts you may have trouble filling a vacant room.
Be sure you manage it to the letter…[Read more]
mathewc73 replied to the topic Doing your own accounting in the forum General Property 18 years, 5 months ago
I remember before I owned any investments other than shares I would spend 3 days figuring out everything and filling in the ATO’s pack. With my bean counter it takes only 1 day on my part and hours for him.
Since then I dont have the time to understand all the rules about how to depreciate each different property expense and all the other qwerks…[Read more]
mathewc73 replied to the topic 10 Worst Sydney Suburbs in the forum General Property 18 years, 5 months ago
West is not bad at all… Look at Harrington Park or Glennmore park.
Worst places are those right on the boundary of housing commission.
I cannot give 10, and this is subjective, but I think bad areas are:
1. The fibro house areas of Penrith
2. St MarysMat
mathewc73 replied to the topic display homes in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 5 months ago
I have not invested myself but know of someone who has. They say its a great investment. As part of their terms, the place gets a repaint and new carpeting and everything fixed to as new before the lessee hands back the property.Mat
mathewc73 replied to the topic To those of you who have more than one IP in the forum General Property 18 years, 5 months ago
okays, not too personal for me…
Got 7 at the mo. Cash flow neutral. First one was a 2 Br unit brand new in Qld in 1997 paid $175k.
Now worth 290k and is a nice investment.
I was able to afford the 20% deposit and had 10k reserve incase I could not rent it (Im quite conservative). Was probably on 45-55k pa (cant remember).
Tips for first…[Read more]
mathewc73 replied to the topic NSW Buying process in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 5 months ago
This is for NSW.
Yes you will loose your .25% if you fail to re-negotiate.
In a slow market or a potentially risky purchase you could do the reports first. This means someone else could buy before you decide.
So for me the .25% is insurance (ie no one can take the property) and I have usually factored a repair budget. And so long as the reports…[Read more]
mathewc73 replied to the topic NSW Buying process in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 5 months ago
I think everyone may do it a little differently. But for me:
1. Inspect
2. Go off and determine your start price (ie look at sales history, residex, etc)
3. Make the offer to the agent (up to agent how he/she wants it – I have never needed to put it in writing)
4. Once final offer negotiated, sign a sales contract (add your terms). From here you…[Read more]mathewc73 replied to the topic Sex Transmutation in the forum General Property 18 years, 5 months ago
Does this mean you should align your successes with having sex and align your failures with abstinence?
I cannot see any other way to harness that power!
mathewc73 replied to the topic Mentor Wanted in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 5 months ago
Hi Mark,
Did anyone PM you and offer to help?I hope so… It would be great if the highly experienced and successful investors would be willing to spend 2-3 hours a month with a keen and willing mentee!
I wish I could, but as yet I would still classify myself as average consdering Im still working full time.
Good luck and I hope someone offers…[Read more]
mathewc73 replied to the topic Mislead by Financial advisors who stole my propert in the forum No Subject 18 years, 6 months ago
According to the papers Gatto is a good guy for dispute resolution!
It is frustrating to read what you are going through and it would seem what ever you do will take time and cause a lot of stress.
Really makes you want to do something that may be bending the law a little!
But going to the police could be a good idea. Theres a financial fraud…[Read more]
mathewc73 replied to the topic I have given up buying a house in the forum General Property 18 years, 6 months ago
Any investment vehicle can be used to make or lose money
Any investment vehicle can be geared to accelerate the making or losing of money
Everyone can chose the vehicle that works best for them and can easily criticise those that do not
Im only average at shares and derivatives, I dont trust super as I cannot access my money yet the govt can…[Read more]
mathewc73 replied to the topic cleaning up renovation dust in the forum Value Adding 18 years, 6 months ago
Im happy with a damp cloth!
mathewc73 replied to the topic Kiyosaki’s new book in the forum General Property 18 years, 6 months ago
Current RBA rate is 5.75%?
1% increase on 5.75% = 17% increase.
Thats an additional 17% of interest you need to pay. 1% does not sound much on its own, but relative to the current IR its quite a lot!
mathewc73 replied to the topic How does a property portfolio work? in the forum General Property 18 years, 6 months ago
Hi Lobs,
There is no one answer. However generally you are in property to make money. This would have to come either from income or capital appreciation. Everyone on this forum has their own strategy they use to either increase the income or capital appreciation. It could even be as simple as buy and hold (set and forget for as long as…[Read more]mathewc73 replied to the topic Incompetent property managers in the forum General Property 18 years, 6 months ago
Yes my experience with franchise agents is terrible and I steer clear of them. Interview a number of the small time operators. They are in business to survive and need to fight for every cent.They are gerenally more presonalble and provide a better quality serivce.
Good luck. Sorry dont have IPs in that area!
mathewc73 replied to the topic Licence to kill by drowning in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 6 months ago
Im thinking campaign with the entire street. Maybe they are intimidated 1-1 but if you can get them all together you may have a good community push.
It would hopefully intimidate the owner or possibly have more clout with council.
Imagine a whole street boycotting paying rates until council did their job?
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