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  • mashari replied to the topic Has anyone had to file for ‘bullying’ at work? in the forum Opinionated! 19 years, 11 months ago


    Don’t forget the old army saying – Adapt, improvise and overcome!

    If all else fails, and you feel your on your way out anyway, go out with guns a blazin’ and bring in the reinforcements (sorry for the wide wqest analagy, must have dreamt of being a cowboy last night??). by reinforcements I actually mean everyones favourite TV shows,…[Read more]

  • mashari replied to the topic Has anyone had to file for ‘bullying’ at work? in the forum Opinionated! 19 years, 11 months ago

    Hi Gatsby,

    As a HR professional I am always in amazement that people still choose to go around treating others in any way they see fit – which in your case is appallingly!

    I am in Qld so am unaware of the Vic intricacies of the law but in the Sunshine state not only is your boss liable for work place bullying but your employer is very liable for…[Read more]


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