maryinoz replied to the topic Get out of debt first or invest? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 5 months ago
Hi Everyone~
Thanks for all the advice. So it sounds like my hub and I are on the right track…we are already doing what some of you have suggested.
We take a portion of our monthly income and put it into savings before ANY bills or debts are paid. We will use that for our deposit. We only have one credit card now (the others were paid off…[Read more]
maryinoz replied to the topic Get out of debt first or invest? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 5 months ago
Originally posted by Mortgage Hunter:
I would tend to prefer the opposite – depending on your exact situation.Cheers,
Simon MacksHi Simon~
What does it depend on? Like I said our debt isn’t much and we could probably wipe it out in 3 years if we keep at the rate we’re going. I’m in the process of trying to switch to a higher paying job so…[Read more]