marx3bull replied to the topic while selecting the best Real Estate Agent in the forum Commercial Property 15 years, 1 month ago
It is really great to know about your invested properties and your plan about buying a new project. I suggest you not to go through any agent as you have already reached a good level without agents, so it is better to carry on without them because you may have to pay them extra amount of your money too. But if you really interested to hire one,…[Read more]
marx3bull replied to the topic while selecting the best Real Estate Agent in the forum Commercial Property 15 years, 1 month ago
It is really great to know about your invested properties and your plan about buying a new project. I suggest you not to go through any agent as you have already reached a good level without agents, so it is better to carry on without them because you may have to pay them extra amount of your money too. But if you really interested to hire one,…[Read more]
marx3bull replied to the topic Help! in the forum Commercial Property 15 years, 1 month ago
There is a lease agreement with which you must go on. In case of commercial leasing, I think it will be listed in the term of contract. I request you to mention your site so that we can help you out more specifically._____________________Male Yeast Infection Cure
marx3bull replied to the topic Investigating IP Opportunities: Seeking Advice in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 1 month ago
Welcome on this forum, try going through the threads and make yourself comfortable. You first post is very interesting and I hope many newbies will find it helpful. It is nice to know about your invested properties. All the best.__________________Fat Loss for Idiots Review
marx3bull replied to the topic Reason for a seperate Mortgage Number? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 1 month ago
Thanks terryW, you have asked my question, here, separate number is not clear, I did not understand this too. I hope WJ will answer it soon.____________________Fat Loss for Idiots Review
marx3bull replied to the topic What if i’ve already bought property under my own name in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 1 month ago
It is great to know that you have invested on many properties. I can assure you that it is completely safe to buy your properties in your own name, but you have to buy them a trust. Or else you know what is going to happen, right? All the best for your new property._________________Fat Loss 4 Idiots Testimonials
marx3bull replied to the topic Selling/Advertising Land for Sale in the forum It is really great to know 15 years, 1 month ago
It is really great to know about your place and I am also surprised that you are going to sell such a wonderful place. It is a perfect location to stay with family and enjoy the wonderful views outside, but anyways, as you have decided to sell it, I am sure you are going to make a profit. There are many sites available where you can advertise f…[Read more]
marx3bull replied to the topic Desperation in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 1 month ago
I am confused about this topic, this is because the type of loan you mentioned is quite unsuccessful. Let me know about more. I am going to check about this matter in some other area. I will leave a post later. ________________Fat Loss 4 Idiots Testimonials
marx3bull replied to the topic Building a Duplex – Illawarra in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 1 month ago
As a newbie, I have learned a lot from this discussion. I have invested on a property and I was also thinking of it as a duplex. Everyone's post provided a lot of points about advantages and disadvantages as well. Thanks to all of you._______________Fat Loss 4 Idiots Testimonials
marx3bull replied to the topic Banking Features Explained in the forum General Property 15 years, 1 month ago
Pay pal is the safest and the best I assume. I have been using this for over four years now with out a problem.
However it used to be fee back on the days but not anymore. it now charges 2.45% per transaction.
marx3bull replied to the topic Replacing roof & guttering in the forum Value Adding 15 years, 1 month ago
v8ghia just gave an god suggestion. You should get few quotes before taking you decision. Do consider all the ins and outs of the deal before saying the final “yes”
marx3bull replied to the topic Renting whilst investing? in the forum Creative Investing 15 years, 1 month ago
Guys, mail redirection has some advantages to its belt as well. We should not forget that!
marx3bull replied to the topic Aussie off to buy US property – anyone want to join me?? in the forum Why all of a sudden 15 years, 1 month ago
Why all of a sudden Australian investors are willing to buy properties in the US? Is US already done with the recession!
marx3bull replied to the topic Advise on my first Investment Property in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 1 month ago
This is indeed a good technique if you plan to avoid the morgate insurance. I advice that you go along with it. On your second question, yes, using 5% deposits will turn out good, provided value of the property raises in future.
marx3bull replied to the topic Answers to “Where to Find CF+ Deals” in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 1 month ago
Thanks for the amazing advices Dazzling! I guess your comments will be helping us in many ways!
marx3bull replied to the topic Sharing Tips- in the forum General Property 15 years, 1 month ago
Before buying the property, ask neighbors whether that is a hunted house or not ;-(
marx3bull replied to the topic Renovation Workshops in the forum Value Adding 15 years, 1 month ago
These workshops are very informative and helpful indeed. I did one sometime ago and got to know a lot of new techniques from there.
marx3bull replied to the topic Tax questions in the forum Legal & Accounting 15 years, 1 month ago
So anything that can be put in to Monthly bank fees are deductible?
marx3bull replied to the topic Penrith in the forum General Property 15 years, 1 month ago
The state government has to look into this area as well. Unless proper fund is allocated for South Penrith, less infrastructural advancement is possible. Having said that, privet sector should also come in to effect. With a combination of these two, Penrith will grow is a steady pace for sure. All the best.
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marx3bull replied to the topic eco-friendly CONCRETE flooring in the forum Commercial Property 15 years, 1 month ago
I have heard about this eco friendly concrete think but haven’t used it. I am sure future holds more products as good as this
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