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  • Dolf De Roos go to ebay and do a search on real estate dvds.
    It is the best value investing info I have ever found, christmas is early!.

    Originally posted by Mortgage Hunter:

    I just wanted to write something on why posts get moderated.

    I have had some further direction from Steve and it supports how I view things and moderate.

    Posts have not and will not be moderated because they question Steve’s methods or business activities.

    Posts that are discourteous of other people, that use abusive or hurtful language or are simply innapropriate will be edited or deleted.

    Maybe I am getting older but I really feel that a number of people just lack the skills to constructively criticise or even to have a professional disagreement. People seem to sink to personal attacks and name calling – this is school yard tactics and will not take anyone far in the real world of business and investing. There is an art to writing well and it is worth learning. I know I have much to learn.

    So if you take your time to create a post, double check it to see that it is inoffensive and impersonal then you will not be moderated.

    All the best,

    Simon Macks
    Residential and Commercial Finance Broker
    ***NODOC @ 7.15% to 70% LVR***
    0425 228 985

    Comments may not be relevant to individual circumstances. If you intend making any investment, financial or taxation decision you should consult a professional adviser.

    As another member with a axe to grind, I have come to the conclusion this site is all shadows ad mirrors and of very little value but I don`t see the need for you to defend your actions, its perfectly understandable.
    I have often been against the grain and have never once had a post moderated.
    But I only visit rarely as I have decided not to post as I have more positive things to do with my time. My posts are there for anyone who wants to read an opposing veiw minus the insults, I don`t need them as they are based on fact.
    It is a shame that some posters do cross the line as thier credibility and good faith in thier opinion goes down the drain the very instant they do it.
    Good luck all.

    Originally posted by MarkyMark:

    Originally posted by markpatrick:
    I can`t help but think that Steve and other seminar/strategy salesman at the end of the day would earn thier money in property if they could, since they can`t they play the amway/money streams game.
    No malice in my opinion but it`s what I believe to be fact.

    I think you are ignoring a very sensible possibility. Why can’t they being doing both? Sure, they can make money from the seminar biz, but you must be aware that they have been active in property recently in both NZ and the US – it’s been in the papers.

    In fact, someone in this forum was complaining that they were still active in property, and why couldn’t they leave well enough alone to leave room for other guys.

    On this theme my belief is Who cares if Steve, Joe blo or anyone else is making money out of it or what the motivation is.

    The mentoring is a service offered like all the other services in the world. It doesn’t matter if they are doing this because they cant make money out of real-estate at the moment or because they don’t want to work or because they are good Samaritans or for what every other reason. Who cares what the reason is. Who cares how much they make.

    In my opinion a better question to ask is “will this service help me get what I want”.

    If the answer is no. Then don’t do it
    If the answer is yes. Then do it.

    What Steve gets,why he’s offering mentoring for a price etc is irrelevant to the achievement of your goals.


    Can`t argue with that logic.[blink][blink][jerry]

    If you want to grow personally you are looking in the wrong place imo, I cannot imagine anything more counter productive than hanging around a bunch of R/E obsessives and since when is spending large amounts of your hard earned money a prerequisite to grow or to test your comfort zone.
    If you need friends or support I suggest you look elsewhere! and forget about R/E investing altogether.
    Since when does this course or any like it guarantee you being in the 5% you mention?, I would hazard a guess it will guarantee someone will be in the 5% but it won`t be you.
    This 5% stat is overated and misleading in many ways imo.

    absolutely you are entitled to do with your money what you want, I only question people with limited funds going in with rose coloured glasses, and there would be a very high % of those.
    To be honest no, I can`t say I find this site valuable, but it is an interesting and sometimes mind boggling read at times.

    Yes and why do these people not act….risk, here age plays a part background/opportunity plays a part, time is a big factor, for them they decide it will not work and maybe they do not possess the inner belief to continue on the the face of failure, if it were as easy as the gurus say everybody WOULD take action, but reality can and often is VERY different.
    Like one of the main lessons taught in the great book Think and Grow Rich, when we make big decisions or seek very high ideals/great goals it can take the form of great great risk even death and so it must be assumed that there is a very real possibility of failure and/or humiliation, and it is often just one step beyond seeming defeat that great success is acheived.
    Most people do not want to take this kind of risk through the beliefs or teachings of others, and oftentimes it might turn out to be a wise choice.

    So what I am getting at is that the program in reality will help very few, if there were a GENUINE fair dinkum full money back option after a decent amount of time it would have credibility.

    Simon so are you saying all those participants made gains of hundreds of thousands?.
    Of course one or two would that is the aim of all of them, you don`t hear about the others because they are shamed into not admitting they could not use the info![lmao]
    These gurus always have an exit strategy.
    I can tell you right now how to have all the riches in the world absolutely guaranteed in four words….keep trying, never quit!, but of course life does not work that way, there is a time factor.
    All the guru has to say is hold your properties and you will be rich in the long run he cannot be wrong in that regard, think about it, even with business you can say the same keep trying different things and you will have success but this is not real life, this is a joke! and simply unattainable for the majority in the scheme of things.

    Precisely what I have said on many occasions with regard to having a “mutually exclusive” outlook to the detriment of being openminded to possibilites, one being with regard to buy and hold strategies!.
    But in this case I make an exception… tenfold.
    I fail to see how on such a grand scale such dramatic predictions can be made or strategies used regarding R/E, especially given the current “climate”.
    I am wondering what is actually the aim of the mentoring program and what do the participants hope to acheive?, they must be expecting miracles to fork out that kind of dough!.

    I understand your points of view but I disagree.

    Yes there is two ways of looking at anything.
    Yes it would be boring to retire do nothing or go on holiday forever…..true.
    But hey are you saying they have no interest in earning ANY more money only in helping others, sorry not buying that one.
    It is all about giving good value, maybe they do maybe they don`t but I`m not buying.
    Just giving another outlook on it.
    As I`m not buying does it place me in a close minded group of individuals who will never acheive or learn…..nope, there are things I do buy when I see value.

    I also have a house in a prime position but also a flood zone which is selling for way under market. It hasn`t flood for decades….at all and the house is above the flood zone.
    Agents all give differing opinions on the matter.

    Keep this mind when buying or selling through an agent.

    NEVER EVER trust the advise or believe a real estate agent no matter how experienced or highly regarded, in any way shape or form, NEVER.

    I can`t find this thread you are all talking about, but I agree and disagree with the mentoring idea.
    I can`t help but think that Steve and other seminar/strategy salesman at the end of the day would earn thier money in property if they could, since they can`t they play the amway/money streams game.
    No malice in my opinion but it`s what I believe to be fact.

    If you want a yes or no the answer is no there are none.
    Not at least for the inexperienced or short on dough type investor.
    You need to put money in to make them this way.
    There are some CF+ properties around in regional areas but they will be in flood prone areas etc or have problems which need to be overcome and this is not at all easy.
    On the net and in books you will of course get a lot of wrong/dicey/unethical info at best, maybe even illegal, you need to be careful what you act on.

    I was inspired to look at the dvd and read all the material but asked myself what is this guy offering, apart from all the talk of answering phones on a beach and not working ever again it just didn`t seem to offer anything at all except for a few ideas here and there which amount to crap.
    Even after reading testimonials I felt well “big deal”, is that it?.
    Load of baloney if you ask me.
    Does that make sense?.[laughing]

    That`s right, all this positive attitude stuff is great, but it is not negative in the least to question something, in fact it must be one of the most important aspects of life, it would be ridiculous to act positively to every situation you are presented with without questioning it, the only ones who push this are the ones with a dream to sell.
    They have a magic answer for everything, just like the “if you work for a living you are dumb and/or worthless” crowd, or the “anyone can be financially free” crowd, this is not only improbable, but impossible and in fact does a lot more harm than good imo and is equal to any negative comment or thought I ever heard.
    If you want something it`s hard work, don`t expect smooth sailing and don`t misjudge a friend because they appear negative, but be strong enough to dismiss it after giving it a fair hearing.
    They may truly be looking out for your best interests………. and may even be right.

    It`s simple, don`t tell them!.

    Theres is two sides to a coin.

    I`ve seen someone full of beans, connecting with the so called “right people”, lose the lot!, do you think there high flying friends give a damn?, you need to ask yourself which ones do.

    If you want a solution best bet is to give exact details as to work done, how much rent you expect and post a link to the property. You say you dropped the rent $15, but from what unrealistic amount could be the key.
    Many these days buy properties from a highly leverage position following very bad advise from so called experts and then expect that there new tenant will automatically pay an inflated rent for a “cosmetic makeover”, cosmetic makeover is exactly that, really not worthy of a rent rise, maybe the property was in dire need of it to begin with.
    Then again R/E is so fickle that it would not surprise me if you got another agent and rented the property in a day or two, it could be that you have simply picked a bad manager.

    Elbows you will not get a nice little house in a nice little area just fall in your lap that is CF+ but you can get one, I know it can be acheived, I`m looking at one at the moment.
    You need to be a terrier and a real sucker for punishment to make them work though, some can be very hard to get loans for and can require some hard work but little money to get them rentable.
    If your interested email me and I`ll give you some examples.

    My advise would be different to many, I would say do not “jump in”, right now is not a time where you need to do this, you do not want to go backwards, you have overcome the single hardest part of getting to where we all want to be but few are.
    I would say to resist the urge to become to highly leveraged in order to get rich quick, retain a high level of equity in quality property and keep working toward a goal.

    I follow Dolfs methods more than any other guru, I always have even before I read the books so they are good motivators for me, but they should have a MAJOR warning on the top of every page, follow this advise at your own risk.
    I believe Dolf sells books to make money and is driven by the almighty dollar, some good tips and ideas but only for the chosen few who already have connections and the attributes needed to succeed.
    One example his main motto is “The deal of the decade comes along about once a week”, we all love to hear that one, that`s why he says it!, it sells books, it is debatable depending on how much time you have to investigating real estate on a daily basis.
    Also buying property with a twist, which can also translate to having to spend a great deal more time investigating “angles” on properties which we may not end up buying or buying property with great risk.
    Buyer beware!.

    Good thread
    My picks out of the many I have read include Think and Grow rich, Rich dad Poor Dad and Real estate riches by Dolf DeRoos, these three I have scribbled notes right through and marked many pages with stickers for easy reference.
    I recently started reading Peter Spanns $10 million property portfolio in just ten years, and while I haven`t gotten past a quarter the way through I am disappointed with it, really it is a lame attempt to emulate Rich Dad, I`m not sure I will even finish it, and there are not many I don`t read right through.

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