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maria jaya

  • maria jaya replied to the topic 1 BR – easy to resell? in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    Wow!Thanks heaps Aaron C and Xdrew for your inputs!Definitely eye opening!I'll just have to find something outin the suburbs then.Does anyone have any idea on where I can find out informations about suburbs that have healthy growth and good returns?Thanks again!

  • maria jaya replied to the topic BASICS FOR THE BEGINNER PROPERTY INVESTOR in the forum General Property 13 years ago

    Hi Anthony!regarding what you wrote: "Research, research, research! Review data showing median sale prices and rental yields on comparable properties"Where can you get those kinds of info Is it through the local council?thanks!

  • maria jaya replied to the topic 1 BR – easy to resell? in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    Hi There!I am a newbie myself and seriously considering to buy a 1BR flat since that's the only kind of property I can afford at the moment.But they are mostly student accomodations and people's been telling me it's a bad idea.What am I to do to ever own my own property then?

maria jaya