marcust replied to the topic Can I afford another IP? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 1 month ago
Thanks Richard for your advice. Yes, I am employed. I have had a QS report created for my IP which I am waiting for end of financial year to claim deductions. I guess my next step is to find out how much I am able to borrow and go from there.
marcust replied to the topic Can I afford another IP? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 1 month ago
Thanks Richard for your reply.When I purchased my IP, I took out a line of credit against my PPOR for a 20% deposit + costs. The bank manager told me that this avoids cross-collaterisation. Is that correct?If was to contemplate a second IP, I was thinking that I would borrow against my PPOR again for a deposit. Would this be the best structure?…[Read more]