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  • mapleleaf replied to the topic Is $50k enough to start with median priced propert in the forum Finance 19 years ago

    My husband and I are using our savings to do Vendor Finance- a sure way to create passive income and a great way to learn about PI as you still need to all of the leg work with buying a property.

    This is a non-traditional way to invest for people unable to qualify for traditional finance.

    Good luck,


    Achieve the Dream!

  • mapleleaf replied to the topic Advice pls – How to get deal over the line in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    I think the trend of advice you will see is to add value, to find something that is scarce, to buy a porblem propety and fix it up…It takes a creative mind to invest at the moment and you need to start looking for reasonably priced properties that you can upgrade to make the rental return higher.

    We have held off from buying until the right…[Read more]

  • mapleleaf replied to the topic What are some good investing books? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Obviously Steve’s books are great and we use them as our overall guide to investing. Products of his like “The Wealth Guardian” and “Buyer Beware” are also great.

    But the book I loved and the one that really got me connected with the overall approach to life and money was “The Weathy Barber”- a great starter if you haven’t already read it!

    Good…[Read more]

  • mapleleaf replied to the topic Finance for an ex-bankrupt in the forum Finance 19 years ago

    If you are intersted in some information about Vendor Finance, let us know and we can email you our standard package. It might give you an idea about what is out there and where to start.

    You can send an email to :

    Or send a personal email to me via this forum.

    Good luck,


    Achieve the Dream!

  • mapleleaf replied to the topic How to set up loans for multiple properties ? in the forum Finance 19 years ago


    Great articles!


    Achieve the Dream!

  • mapleleaf replied to the topic What Are You Reading At The Moment? in the forum Creative Investing 19 years ago

    “Retire Young, Retire Rich”…Kiyoski

    Achieve the Dream!

  • mapleleaf replied to the topic Ceasing Paid Employment in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Being an RN, I am flexible with my hours at work and was able to cut back to 4 days per week from being full-time. This has increased my energy levels and my amount of time which has allowed me to be more focussed on PI. We plan to continue to cut back on my hours as an RN as needed to continue our PI plans.

    This is a great way to ease into PI…[Read more]

  • mapleleaf replied to the topic Commercial vs. Residential in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    My husband and I are also new at PI and asked the same question…Overall we want to mimimize risk and to secure our investments, so we have chosen residential as well.

    Commercial is great but there is a higher risk of long term vacancies and the money required upfront is greater (LVR 60-75%).

    So we have decided to maximize the money we have to…[Read more]

  • mapleleaf replied to the topic Investment of time not money in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    This is a great way to look at things. My husband and I have just recently made goals for 2006 and essentially what you have said is what we want for our result. Time to do what we want to be doing, not necessarliy more time spent working…



    Achieve the Dream!

  • mapleleaf replied to the topic Where to start in 2006? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago


    You should read Steve’s second book, as it applies to the market today and offers great ways to work with the market so that you create cash flow positive properties.

    Good luck,


    Achieve the Dream!

  • mapleleaf replied to the topic What inspections needed? in the forum No Subject 19 years ago


    The first place to start with structral questions about the property is the local council. All you need is the property localtion and they should be able to help you with the rest.

    A building inspector will give you all the details of the house and will provide you with written documentation of the assessment. If your bank wants a building…[Read more]

  • mapleleaf replied to the topic Investing Married Couples – how do you do it? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago


    My husband and I started PI this year. He has had a great interest in this for ages and I am just recently learning the ropes. I must say it is wonderful to have the common interest, but it is not essential. I am sure you both contribute in different ways to making things work…

    I did love our wedding day! My husband helped plan…[Read more]

  • mapleleaf replied to the topic Have a laugh at this one!! in the forum Forum Frolic 19 years ago

    I am a nurse and have not had that sort of problem before!

    Cute one I will share with my co-workers!


    Achieve the Dream!

  • mapleleaf replied to the topic $1M Achieved in the forum General Property 19 years ago

    It is wonderful to hear a success story and of you meeting your goal early! My husband and I just did our goal setting and I can only hope to have the same success!

    Well done,


    Achieve the Dream!

  • mapleleaf replied to the topic subdividing in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago


    Fisrt step is to call the local council and get information on all of the application fees, headworks costs, park contribution fees etc etc.

    It varies from place to place and it may give you a quick overview if this is finacially viable, and then you can start thinking about time frames for this project.

    Good luck,


    Achieve the Dream!

  • mapleleaf replied to the topic Can you help? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago


    Love the forum!

    I would love more info on:

    1. Advertising for lease options

    We are looking for creative ways to advertise beyong the “Rent to Buy” ads in the newspaper. We have brainstormed ideas (website, direct contact with REAs, flyers and mailouts…) but would love to hear what has worked for others

    2. Negotiating with…[Read more]

  • mapleleaf replied to the topic To Look B4 U Buy??? in the forum General Property 19 years ago


    My husband and I are also new to PI and have looked at lots of potential IP in the last month. It is a good way to learn what to look for and what questions to ask real estate agents. I think in the beginning it is good to see with your own eyes… it is not wasted time as you will most definatly learn something and will get to know…[Read more]

  • mapleleaf replied to the topic Rental developing question for those with rentals in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    My husband and I stayed at spot in Canada that might give you another optoin….It was a camground that was set up on the land of an old farm a short drive from the town. There was a house insitu where the owners lived and the only other structure was a bathroom block. It was awsome value for us as travellers and low admin for the owners…

    So…[Read more]

  • mapleleaf replied to the topic Funny Names in the forum No Subject 19 years ago


    The above msg was from me logged in under my husband’s name!

    Have fun with this funny thread!


    Achieve the Dream!

  • mapleleaf replied to the topic Do you know anyone that retired by 30? in the forum Creative Investing 19 years ago

    It is inspiring to read the posts of this topic!

    Like many of you, I am just at the 30 mark and have a goal to be financially independent withing the next 5 years. My husband and I are working at our trained professions at the moment to bring in cash for PI….It is rewarding to go to work and to know that it is helping us to get to where we…[Read more]

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