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  • Profile photo of Manoj

    Hi [erthman !

    emotional distress is always there when it comes to investing . Its the matter of how you can handle it is more important. I totaly believe that agents do sometimes try to bait buyers to increase the sale price or in some cases there actally are more than one buyer interested in the given this case the higest bidder buys the this means your offer should be the best one. you really dont have to put the top dollar to get the sale.or be scared to loose the deal…have a exit strategy with the research you have done before you leap into putting offers. if you miss it forget about it dont stress man..Apportunities will allways exist no matter what the market does its the matter of time and research. Sometimes you think that you have missed the best apportunity to buy an investmet property and so regret not getting it and in doing so you miss the present apportunities which exist right there in front of you..down the track you find a better deal and with relief of sigh you say gee this is happens all the time.right in cbd of perth..perth market is doing pretty well but remember with every boom comes a bust..hang on there if you cant find the right deal today it will surley come sooner or later..just dont overcommit yourself..the RBA is already on the corner…to hit us again..ouch!

    Warm regards



    Profile photo of Manoj

    Its not so easy to get the valuation to match your expected figure but doing things may get answers right for you. I did massive reno on my property to increase value to get more loan thru equity and greater rental potential..The bank valuation came close to my expectation..firstly make sure the valuer or the bank you going with does inspect the property inside out. Arrange a time when you are availabe to take the valuer through the property..please be friendly and make them feel interested in what you say ..can be anything. The house should be neatly presented as if u getting a buyer in..initial photos can be of great help when justifying your effort s to bring the property to a newer look. In detail show everything that has been done regardless of how small it can be.. Keep reciepts for all the expenses. Talk about condition of the property when you bough the place and compare . Have few appraisals done by the realestate sales people and have a written valuation ready for the valuer. Compare your property with the one sold close to yours. You will be surprised. If possible do a profile for your property an d include every detail about the property including photos..This can be time consuming but can bring big dollars back. Hope all goes well..cheers


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