Manoj replied to the topic What the? Playing with peoples emotions in the forum No Subject 19 years ago
Hi [erthman !
emotional distress is always there when it comes to investing . Its the matter of how you can handle it is more important. I totaly believe that agents do sometimes try to bait buyers to increase the sale price or in some cases there actally are more than one buyer interested in the given this case the higest bidder…[Read more]
Manoj replied to the topic Whats the go with valuations man! in the forum Finance 19 years ago
Its not so easy to get the valuation to match your expected figure but doing things may get answers right for you. I did massive reno on my property to increase value to get more loan thru equity and greater rental potential..The bank valuation came close to my expectation..firstly make sure the valuer or the bank you going with does inspect the…[Read more]