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  • That is a very good question Kay.

    For some reason the article doesn’t actually mention any names!

    In fact, after reading the bit about free intro nights, I thought for a moment ( just one moment )that one of those “spruikers” might be NJ himself because he runs free intro nights in order to help generate revenue via his “accreditted offices”.

    Saying for the day: If you win the rat race, you’re still a rat![thumbsupanim]


    I didn’t bypass the wrap… it’s actually in there.

    Also you didn’t actual state your parents needed ( or wanted) ALL the money from the sale of their house up front. But the pricipals remain the same, just the numbers change.



    RULE 1) Look after your parents.

    Here’s some “thinking out loud”

    Put them into your new unit and sign them up under a life timerental or “licence to occupy” or a wrap with $2-00 per month repts over 300 years or something that ensures they can stay for life and have security they need.

    In return, they “sell” you their house on VF terms for similar mirrored terms.

    Ownerships transfer on death regardless of what’s outstanding.

    You can rent out their house and use that income to offset other costs.

    This is fine, provided any other siblings and relo’s who might be in for a cut of the estate are fine with it.

    Benefit to your parents is they have a brand new, low maint’ house and they are cloe to you.

    Hope it helps.

    If it’s still “unopened”/unused, why not contact Rick’s office and enquire about their returns policy.

    First Law of Business ( yes, if you are a prop’ investor, then you’re in business )

    It must give you life, not suck it from you.

    What does that mean?

    Structure your business and develop a strategic plan so the profits and cash flow from your PI business fuel your life goals. (and that includes things like fitness goals, relationship goals, spiritual goals, travel goals, money goals, health goals etc)

    If you can’t walk away from your business for a week, a month or longer without it falling apart, then you dont have a business, you have a job.

    So there you go, you CAN have your travel and do PI at the same time provided you develop a plan to do it.

    When is the best time to travel????
    When somebody else pays for it…. hence your business becomes the funds source for your life style.

    Hi guys,

    Here’s a “heads up” on a product…. “pestpatrol”.

    From within the industry, I’m told it’s a very, very effective.

    I dont use it as so far, I’m pretty free from spam due to implementing some of the tips already posted on this forum.

    Good luck.

    Thanks for your reply.

    The question was not about attending their seminars or who I share the table wiht, the question was simply “Can men join the organization as a member?”



    Can men join this organization?

    Good question Kay,

    Are you sure they are the only properties WBH has on offer or has had over the last 12 mths etc?

    Could WBH be turning over a lot more properties “behind the scense” by advertising in other media such as local papers etc?

    When you look at a real estate agent’s window, it may or may not be indiciative of the number of properties available at the time.

    It might be that the WBH’s web site is not their prime advertsing media.

    “Am I making sense?” [:)

    I’d make the $50 do the work of $100,000s

    Here’s how…..

    I’d find somebody who needed $50-.

    I’d lend the $50 to them on 2 conditions that must be rigidly enforced…..

    1) They must never repay the money back to ME.
    2) When they are in a position to be able to repay the $50- in full, they must find somebody else who needs $50 and lend it to them on these same 2 rigid conditions.

    This way, the $50 gets passed around, helping … well, who knows how many people!

    It makes my $50 go a long, long way! [:)

    Just as well our currently elected government’s policy is to simplify the tax system.

    Hmmm have you ever noticed that when a Govt declares “war” on something, the problem seems to only gets bigger…. “war” on drugs…. “war” on poverty”…. “war” on simplifying the tax system…

    Hmmmmm I wonder how they classify edible condoms then? [8]


    You might be able to suggest suitable responses to these questions on a first date….

    “Do you believe in love at first sight?”

    “Are you hoping I’ll have sex with you tonight?”

    “Would you prefer to get married in a church or a park?”

    “Have you ever drunk somebody else’s blood?”

    “If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?”

    More stupid responses to stupid questions or statements you can try;

    Sombody calls out your name… you reply and ….
    Q; Where are you?
    A; Here! (well where else could you be?)

    Somebody holds out a $50 note and asks…
    Q; Can you change this?
    A; Yes I can… (then you take their $50 and give them a single $5 note!)

    You’ve been standing in a bank queue for 28 minutes when you finally get to the teller who says (rather robotically)…
    …”Sorry about the wait sir”
    Respond… “Me too, but I’m trying to loose some in time for summer”

    Somebody kindly says…. “Gee you’re looking well”
    Respond; “Thanks, but do I normally look pretty sick?”

    But the all time dummest question I get asked at least 2 – 3 times a week is this….

    Q; “What was your name sir?”

    A; “When?”

    You see I wonder where they got the impression I’d ever changed it!

    Be warned, this response usually results in a few moments of akward silence until the penny drops and they ask you a better question. Indeed it is a bit of childish fun but watch how easily it throws even the best telemarketer off their prized script! [}:)

    The survey was about finding a great place for the English to visit.

    So i guess Melbourne’s going to be invaded by millions of “pommie tourists” as a punishment for the bragging rights! [:D] Does anybody want to take over the “title” now???? [:p]

    Now the second article… heck, if you can’t work why Sydney won that one then you are way too gullible to even consider going into property investing.

    Truth be known, I reckon the survey DID actually get one thing very, very right. Port Moresby was voted last.

    Man, I love the people up there, and had a great time when I lived there for three years but it’s a real shocker of a place…. especially for the occassional tourist…. let alone a pasty skinned, beer bellied pommie!

    I near wet myself laughing when they released that result!

    But not as much as I did when an American tourist, straight off a (lost?) cruise ship in Port Moresby, wearing a beige safari suit and a pith helment asked me if I knew where he could see some tigers or elephants. I kid you not, I think he thought he was in Africa!

    Still, the Port is home, sweet home, for some.


    can you pls explain what you mean about the market being stacked in favour of the agent.

    i dont really understand what you mean.



    [quoteMost of the people caught by Henry Kaye were NOT “dunces”.][/quote]

    I totally agree with you!

    I attended one of HK’s intro seminars to learn what all the “noise” was about.

    Most of the people I met were well educated or in upper / senior positions within their careers. They were definately not uneducated or stupid people.

    Yet, many got seduced.

    But this is nothing new. It happens in all sorts of avenues.

    Example; A friend of the family became a devotee of a “new age” type group that believed a giant spaceship was “parked” behind Jupiter.

    It was so big, it could cast a shadow over all of Earth.

    The occupants were bringing messages of love etc to Earth and, well, the rest just defies any reasonable sensability… and I’m an open thinker!

    Was he soft in head or somewhat stupid? No!

    He was the State Manager of a very, very large and well known medical services organisation! He oversaw a budget of hundreds of millions and hundreds of staff.

    He is no dummy!

    Whether it is financial freedom, spirituality, physical fitness, the latest beauty treatment or whatever. You’ll find smart, intellegent people falling for the dummest of dumb things – things that to somebody else is absolutely obvious that it’s not right.

    They swept up in the EMOTION. They want so much for it to be right. Their “self talk” tells them it’s right, even when they smell a rat because by then they don’t want to admit they got caught and be seen as dumb or gullible to their family, friends or peers.

    A great article appeared in the recent Readers Digest about a smart guy caught up in the Nigerian Scam. He openly admits that even though he now KNOWS it’s a scam and he’ll NEVER see anything for his money, he still gets excited when he recieves yet another request for money and fights the urge to send it! [8]

    Go figure!

    In a “former life” I worked for a leading Bank. During that time, I saw many documented instances of clients loosing money to all sorts of scams. Many of these clients should have known better.

    In fact, I recall the boss showing me something one day about an investment scheme. I read it and laughed because I thought it was a joke! But he then showed me how one of our clients

    Heck two out of three aint bad.

    So he wasn’t sure if it was true or not. – fair enough!

    But, it there was goodness and it was useful information.

    By my way of thinking, if Socca’s had listended he would have discovered his mate was doing him a fav’ by saving him one more job around house! [:p]


    It is no longer mine.

    It did calcs to compare mortgage reductions system ( LOC) against standard home loan method.

    If you want something like this email me and I’ll put you onto the new owner.



    Bec, you actually measured it not once but twice???!!! Would have been an interesting date [:I]

    On a more serious note…

    This may not relate to Heritage but the topic of other income sources was raised;

    A while back I owned my own software business and the product did financial calcs.

    A company promoting the neg’gear system approached me to modify the program for them and in the process here’s what I learned about multiple income streams

    1)They get around $600 – $900 from attendees who sign on – this is for an adviser who will tailor the right purchase / portfolio etc for them. (my guess is there wasn’t much tailoring going on!)

    2) They only recommend NEW properties and get a commission from the builder / developer of around 3% – 10%

    3) They get a trailer ( probably around .25% of the ongoing debt)from the financier who they get to finance your purchase.

    4) They get a “referal fee” from the insurance broker (later learned some set up their own insurance broking firm) who sets up the Building and landlord policies.

    5) They get a cut of the Property Management fees but often have their own PM coy to manage the property.

    6) They get a commission% from the ongoing maintenance costs like repairs, plumbers, gardeners etc

    7) Sometimes can even get rebates from the newspapers they advertise your rental properties in.

    Of course, nearly all of these you would be paying one way or another if you didn’t go through them however the difference here is how they channel it all into their pockets to make one very lucrative system.

    And nearly all these streams get repeated each time you acquire more properites and you become part of their system.

    Now I know why one particular company pays (and can afford to pay ) their presenter $500 a night to do his 1 – 1.5 hour presentation. (Work 5 nights, 5 hours per week = $100k p.a.)

    Now I truely understand the meaning of generating multiple income streams from one sale!

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