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  • Mandynd replied to the topic Rent to Buy Outlawed in SA in the forum Creative Investing 17 years, 8 months ago

    Hi Xenia,Thanks again, it's been a while since I was here as you can see!!As I understand it, there would be plenty of work for everyone even if all knew about it.  Real estate agents wouldn't tend to use the approach because it kind of contradicts what they do doesn't it?  Anyway, I am over on the Eyre Peninsula in SA so wouldn't be dabbling in y…[Read more]

  • Mandynd replied to the topic Rent to Buy Outlawed in SA in the forum Creative Investing 17 years, 9 months ago

    HI Xenia,That is great news, now if they can make it a bit easier for these people trying to get into homes on Rent 2 Own as well as wraps I'd be happy!  Is there a way or someone we could lobby to to see if we can get wraps in SA too, let them know we are behind all other states and maybe we are doing something wrong.  May be worth a push if t…[Read more]

  • Mandynd replied to the topic Rent to Buy Outlawed in SA in the forum Creative Investing 17 years, 9 months ago

    Hi all,I am new at this option thing and have just started in SA too.  Am nearly at the paperwork stage for signing up the buyer and seller.  I am very concerned about this new legislation as I don't want to be seen as doing anything illegal.  We live in a small community and this could have bad effects all round.I have emailed a friend who is do…[Read more]


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