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  • malipooh replied to the topic Can 99% & 1% ownership reduce stamp duty? in the forum Legal & Accounting 13 years, 9 months ago

    Found What I was looking for:

    “If the person is buying the land with their partner, the exemption or concession is only available where both parties fulfil the eligibility criteria”.

    -So it was looking good up until that point….

    As for CGT, the property would’ve surely doubled in value in between the time husband purchased with his mum, to…[Read more]

  • malipooh replied to the topic Can 99% & 1% ownership reduce stamp duty? in the forum Legal & Accounting 13 years, 9 months ago

    Thanks Tony,
    My husband is the only income earner but we’re both on the title. This will be our PPOR. So does this cancel out the benefit of 99%/1% rule?

    I’ve just realised I should mean CGT not stamp duty. We didn’t pay any CGT when he transferred the property to his dad. We weren’t even living in Aussie at the time. He just signed what he…[Read more]

  • malipooh replied to the topic 95% LVR/ Tax Structure/ Quick Cosmetic Reno’s in the forum Finance 13 years, 11 months ago

    Thanks guys.
    My husband is a tunneller and today they are ‘breaking through’ (Airport link in Brisbane-Watch the news lol…).
    He moves from tunnel to tunnel mostly in Australia and hasn’t been out of work since he began tunnelling 6 years ago but the first 6-9 months of any stretch of the tunnel, even if employed by the same parent company…[Read more]

  • malipooh replied to the topic Vendor finance & CGT wizzes please ;-) in the forum Legal & Accounting 14 years ago

    Thanks Terry,
    I’ve done some more research and I think I understand the issues you and Dan have pointed out and why my brilliant and cunning plan is absolutely flawed…(why I thought I could out-smart the powers that be on something I know nothing about, I don’t know…lol).

    Anyway, so CGT is calculated as per the sale price in the contract of…[Read more]

  • malipooh replied to the topic Vendor finance & CGT wizzes please ;-) in the forum Legal & Accounting 14 years ago

    I’ve been processing your comments throughout the day. Thank you all for your input.
    The situation has now become a little simpler now as I’m now only considering making an offer on one of the properties (the 1988 rental).
    I do need to do some more research into the technicalities of vendor financing for a development.

    1. So capital gains tax is…[Read more]


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