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  • maken replied to the topic Fact or myth? in the forum  Thanks Kylie,
    That was a
    16 years, 10 months ago

     Thanks Kylie, That was a great post, sounds like structure and enterty wise things are similar to NZ, but possibly from an asset protection point of view rather then tainting? And its good to know you can still buy well in a rising market!If you don't mind me asking  where are you based?RegardsSam. 

  • maken replied to the topic looking for a valuer in Brisbane in the forum Value Adding 16 years, 10 months ago

    Hi Richard,Things must be done a little differently over here. In NZ a registered valuation is what the bank uses to finance the property against, you get your own valuation done then take it to the bank.  In Aus does the bank have there own independent valuer?The reason I would like to touch base with a valuer is more to do with doing due di…[Read more]

  • maken replied to the topic Fact or myth? in the forum Value Adding 16 years, 10 months ago

    Thanks guys,I had sort of resigned to the fact that buy and hold was to be the way forward in the Australian market. In the past in NZ it has been common to turn a net profit of 30k on a 300k property by buying well and doing cosmetic make overs then using this as deposit money for buy and hold rentals. The other thing to consider i guess is if y…[Read more]


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