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  • Magg replied to the topic Just Joined Members Alliance in the forum Heads Up! 12 years, 9 months ago

    Hi Kristy Keep us updated, at the moment I am trying out one of MA ideas on reducing my tax to pay for my investments but it is not as easy as it looks,I have the withholding declaration from the tax office but it still seems like gobbledee gook  to me ? still onwards and upwards I will figure it out, we have a finace broker coming around…[Read more]

  • Magg replied to the topic Just Joined Members Alliance in the forum Hi catalyst I defiantly 12 years, 9 months ago

    Hi catalyst

    I defiantly don't work for members Alliance I work in WA, but I agree with your comment people with goals succeed, I actually didn't buy a property with members alliance in the end I pulled out of the deal.

    after thinking about it for a while the property I was going to buy is in an area with lots of other vacant land that can be…[Read more]

  • Magg replied to the topic Just Joined Members Alliance in the forum Heads Up! 12 years, 9 months ago

    Hi catalyst I defiantly don't work for members Alliance I work in WA, but I agree with your comment people with goals succeed, I actually didn't buy a property with members alliance in the end I pulled out of the deal. after thinking about it for a while the property I was going to buy is in an area with lots of other vacant land that can be…[Read more]

  • Magg replied to the topic Just Joined Members Alliance in the forum Heads Up! 12 years, 11 months ago

    Well its been almost a week and today I received my first correspondence from Members Alliance " Welcome to etc etc  "and a booklet with my plan in it.Some heavy reading there but its basically just a booklet of the presentation we had last week.Please post if you are a member or have had some previous experience with members alliance Thanks  

  • Magg replied to the topic Just Joined Members Alliance in the forum Heads Up! 12 years, 11 months ago

    H Terry W No I don't work for them I am a customer, its the first week so everything seems to be going fine, I liked their idea's although I have read about the things they have told me.My situation is things had gotton away from me and out of control so I really needed help to get back on track, I have a job time poor etc etc and ended up in a…[Read more]

  • Magg started the topic Just Joined Members Alliance in the forum Heads Up! 12 years, 11 months ago

    I have recently spent half a day with members alliance and signed up for a property with them

    I found they were on the ball with the area to invest in, and I found myself happy with the house and land package they signed me up for (we live in WA)

    Their recommendations as to the growth in the area (Ipswich Queensland seem OK) and They came up…[Read more]

  • Magg started the topic Just Joined Members Alliance in the forum Heads Up! 12 years, 11 months ago

    I have recently spent half a day with members alliance and signed up for a property with them

    I found they were on the ball with the area to invest in, and I found myself happy with the house and land package they signed me up for (we live in WA)

    Their recommendations as to the growth in the area (Ipswich Queensland seem OK) and They came up…[Read more]

  • Magg started the topic Just Joined Members Alliance in the forum Heads Up! 12 years, 11 months ago

    I have recently spent half a day with members alliance and signed up for a property with them

    I found they were on the ball with the area to invest in, and I found myself happy with the house and land package they signed me up for (we live in WA)

    Their recommendations as to the growth in the area (Ipswich Queensland seem OK) and They came up…[Read more]


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