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  • maelstrom replied to the topic Valuation by BankWest NIGHTMARE ! in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 6 months ago

    Yossarian wrote:
    As above plus it is reasonable for the insurer to want to make sure the house is "complete" when construction is finished and a house without front landscaping, aircon or window dressing aint finished or, therefore, easily sold.It is what it is.

    Yossarion or My Housing Bubble, my understanding that values have a set list of…[Read more]

  • maelstrom replied to the topic Valuation by BankWest NIGHTMARE ! in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 6 months ago

    Yes, I understand that it is marketing hype, etc etc, but my POINT is that i guess wasn't very clear in my first posting, is that our FIRST valuation which was for the land component and the first part of our construction loan from BankWest , came back full value, that is the contract price we paid for the land. THIS IS WHAT WE MOVED ON. We had…[Read more]


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