MADProperty‘s profile was updated 4 months ago
DAMProperty replied to the topic Seeking a new Accountant in City of Casey Area in the forum Legal & Accounting 6 years ago
Did you get a depreciation report done by a quantity surveyor for the investment property or was this done by the Accountant?
Do you go and see the Accountant or can you email documentation to them so the Accountant doesn’t need to be in the Casey area?MADProperty‘s profile was updated 7 years ago
MADProperty changed their profile picture 7 years ago
MADProperty changed their profile picture 7 years ago
DAMProperty replied to the topic Tenant agreements in the forum Legal & Accounting 12 years ago
I went to the Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA) website and found a section where you can download the forms. The form for General Tenancy Agreement is Form 18A. I have attached the website link for you which shows all the relevant forms which you may find useful.
DAMProperty replied to the topic Using personal credit card to pay for IP rates. in the forum Legal & Accounting 12 years ago
Also think about the credit card fees. Some rates and other utilities charge fees if you pay by credit card. Weigh up the cost of the credit card fees against the amount of points you get.
DAMProperty replied to the topic Buying property interstate – QLD in the forum Legal & Accounting 13 years ago
This is correct. You should use a conveyancer for the state or territory you are purchasing in because the laws can be different in each state/territory. Cannot recommend anyone.
DAMProperty replied to the topic Aussie resident with NZ property in the forum Legal & Accounting 13 years ago
As you are an Australian resident you need to declare any overseas income on your tax return. In the Australian Taxation Office's Tax Return Supplement publication there is a section on Foreign Income. It says that you include the Income, less any deductions, which means you are going to show a loss on your tax return.
DAMProperty replied to the topic Tax and Depreciation Question in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
Yes, this is correct. Not many people know about this.
DAMProperty replied to the topic Income Tax Withholding Variation in the forum Finance 13 years ago
I am a Property Accountant and have done several Income Tax Withholding Variation forms for clients. There are some common mistakes that people make when they do it on their own, but it isn't overally hard. When people have several investment properties in joint names they find it easier to have someone else do it. <moderator: delete ad…[Read more]
DAMProperty replied to the topic After a busness plan in the forum Legal & Accounting 13 years ago
Who is the Business Plan / Business Proposal for? Yourself, or to obtain a loan, or to find a business partner or something else?
DAMProperty replied to the topic buy or build home at gold coast ? in the forum General Property 13 years ago
Do your research on builders. There have been some bad experiences with builders on the Gold Coast for some people and they have been waiting for years for their house to be built and then they have been leaking with all the rain we've had.
DAMProperty replied to the topic Wages Software – Can Anyone Help or Suggest? in the forum Legal & Accounting 13 years ago
I used to use Wagez Windows years ago. Found it easy to set up and use for 20 employees. I also found that you could update it each year for the tax rates and other information cheaper then updating MYOB or Quickbooks.
DAMProperty replied to the topic Does brick or fibro house matters for IP? in the forum Something else to consider 13 years ago
Something else to consider may be whether the fibro house contains asbestos. If you are thinking of knocking it down in the future then you may need specialised people to do it.
DAMProperty replied to the topic Landlord’s Insurance due. Any better options out there? in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
I use EBM Insurance.
DAMProperty replied to the topic STUDENT ACCOMODATION , GOOD CASH FLOW SO WHY NOT ?????? in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
Other things to consider are:Landlord Insurance may be a problem.Is the property rented all year or only whilst the students are here? If it's in a body corporate situation are the rents pooled so that the total is split between the owners or do you receive your own rent?
DAMProperty replied to the topic Claiming Residential in the forum Legal & Accounting 13 years ago
There is no GST on residential rent. Normally you wouldn't provide an invoice for residential rent. I have seen where some people provide an Invoice/Statement for residential tenants and the invoice/statement has their details on it and their tenant's details on it. There is no need for an ABN on the invoice and it doesn't need to state whe…[Read more]
DAMProperty replied to the topic Terminating caretaker agreement in the forum Legal & Accounting 13 years ago
I'm guessing that the property is in an on-site managed complex with has a permanent caretaker and they rent your investment property. Is that right? Because if so, the caretaking agreement is with the Body Corporate and then you have a separate agreement to rent your property. If you are not happy with them renting your property you can go to…[Read more]
DAMProperty replied to the topic Selling Costs in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
You should also take into account the total purchase cost. This is the purchase cost of the property plus stamp duty, solicitors fees, other legal costs, etc.
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