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  • madison replied to the topic Steve 0-130 in 42 Months,Cowra : 0-80 in 6 months in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years, 1 month ago

    Hi All,

    I was perusing through the posts and it is exciting and inspirational stuff. It is great to know that people out there are happy to share information. I was wondering if i could ask about the “treasure chest” that has come up a number of times for good and bad places in NZ to invest. I have tried to find it and it seems to elude me.…[Read more]

  • madison replied to the topic Steve 0-130 in 42 Months,Cowra : 0-80 in 6 months in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years, 1 month ago

    Hello NZ!!!

    I have been looking through the current posts, still have to go through the Treasure chest, regarding areas to/not invest in NZ. After I have been through the lot, can I please email you with any questions.


    Brent1 [:I]

    Hi Guys

    I agree with Mel. I sometimes answer posts because I might be able to offer…

    [Read more]


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