madeinoz replied to the topic No renters! in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
It is worthwhile to have a ‘safety net’ in my case it is a line of credit that can be drawn on used in these situations. I would think that usually it would be for a short time, i.e. how many of the properties out of the portfolio will not be rented for a year. Therefore you just need something to bridge the gap if required.
As all the properties…[Read more]
madeinoz replied to the topic Good areaS IN Bunbury WA? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Oh well, I think we shall just have to wait out the 130 days till we get home… Can’t wait.
Cheers again.
Steph…madeinoz replied to the topic Should you get a valuation before offer? in the forum No Subject 22 years ago
Thanks for that.
Is it normal to ask for a valuation? I know the banks usually do it as part of the finance process.
madeinoz replied to the topic Have we missed the Boat?? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Until 4 days ago I thought I had missed the boat and it was impossible to find…until I looked wider and after a days worth of driving I now have three properties all +ve geared under 50K.
The driving is a real pain (hence my question posted seperately on buying and managing remotely on the forum) I have located two properties showing about 20%…[Read more]
madeinoz replied to the topic what are the options for asbestos in the forum No Subject 22 years ago
Thanks for that everyone. It has given me some food for thought.
madeinoz replied to the topic Good areaS IN Bunbury WA? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
I’m live down in bunbury currently.
Withers and (s)Carey park are the most likely to get a +ve geared property, however they are few and far between. We have been on the lookout for some time ourselves, and have a couple of agents on the lookout for us. They do get snapped up pretty quick. I think you have to be there at teh right time
Wither…[Read more]
madeinoz replied to the topic company trust fund or both??? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
What are your thoughts about investing through a company that is owned by the trust?
We already have that structure set up with our business. i.e. family trust owns shares in pty/ltd company, and this company owns/operates a number of businesses e.g. company xyz Trading as bunsiness xyz
Is it better investing through the trust or the company?…[Read more]
madeinoz replied to the topic low property prices == low rents ? in the forum No Subject 22 years ago
I haven’t given up, and still looking hard. it is frustrating with such low rents around
madeinoz replied to the topic WA properties with GEHA leases in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
what are these GEHA lease?
madeinoz replied to the topic More on rental review in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Surely you could have written into the lease agreement that rent increases with inflation, so at least your rent maintains value.