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  • macatak replied to the topic Westpac and Defence Force Housing in the forum General Property 18 years, 8 months ago

    I have investigated this style of property purchase before and there are traps for “young players” ie adjusting rent returns to suit market climate. This can leave you in a serious negative geared scenario. I’m also not a Westpac fan so would be very cautious about this style of investment.
    Mac Jackson

  • macatak replied to the topic Westpac and Defence Force Housing in the forum General Property 18 years, 8 months ago

    I have looked at defence housing as an option before and also have a “rellie” who went that road and got burnt when a serious “rent adjustment” was applied to his property. This left him with a serious negative geared effect. Also, I’m not a big Westpac fan so would be cautious about this type of investment strategy. Mac Jackson[baaa]

  • macatak replied to the topic Investing in property with no Capital gains in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 10 months ago

    Hi Martin,
    Personally I would be shy about doing so. You obviously have to ask yourself “what is in it for me” in terms of return. With no capital gain prospect it would have to have a very rewarding positive cash flow to be remotely considered. Good luck! Mac


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