lukis p replied to the topic Building and selling duplexes in the forum I have never built a duplex 17 years, 5 months ago
I have never built a duplex pair. but I own a pair on the the 1 title, you should be able to get them strata titled and be able to sell them on seperate titles. This is our plan if we decide to sell, there are some regulation on fire resistant walls or something between them. the flip side ios if they are on seperate titles then you will have to…[Read more]
lukis p replied to the topic 2nd Investment house? in the forum Creative Investing 17 years, 5 months ago
I think the balance is somewhere in between. We have 7 IP's (built up overthe last 11 years), and most of them are P+I (principal and interest) loans. By paying out fully each property and then buying another paying it off and so on means that as the property values go up everywhere you have a bigger mortgage each time you buy in. if you buy a…[Read more]
lukis p replied to the topic subject to clauses? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 8 months ago
thanks the NT has a body corporate statement clause that i have asked for as well but i did not know about full statment… the agent did recomend going the settlement agent and pay the fee (he thought about $60)… he did say that the "owner could provide a copy of the minutes from the last agm, but there was no guarentee that pages could have…[Read more]
lukis p replied to the topic unlocking equity to buy ppor? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 5 months ago
Thanks for the advice,
I really do not want to sell, but if i sell it to a trust controlled by me I will unlock the equity ( cash in my pocket) and still own the property through the trust with the negitive gearing on the total amount in this case say 450k debt.
The property is in Scarborough and is the jewel in my portfolio, with great cap…[Read more]lukis p replied to the topic Perth Property Prices To Continue Rising in the forum General Property 19 years ago
just heard that perth has moved up above brissy on median price now 3 rd on list brhind syd and melb.[thumbsupanim]
lukis p replied to the topic Old Format in the forum No Subject 19 years ago
old format was better, i liked generic topics like “general”. i think it is toooooo focussed towards your buisness, with the first 3 topics locked out to the genral public. [xx(].
lukis p replied to the topic what is thee cost of strata titling? in the forum Value Adding 19 years ago
that is helpful brucemarg. I will look into it, I have thouhgt some more on it and will probably only strata title before selling.
on the other hand …A good way to create some equity I spose.[gossip]. will have to think some more on this 1.lukis p replied to the topic debt vs equity in the forum No Subject 19 years ago
I think you need to look at your circumstances and see what level of debt you feel comfortable with.
For me i like lots of gearing. I am 29 and guess if my property portfolio dramatically dived in value and i lost it all… well i am young enough to start again.[agro2]…. but i look at as a low risk strategey and so far it has paid off really…[Read more]
lukis p replied to the topic Hedland in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
I live in Karratha 229 km aprox s of hedland. I would be cautious with both port and south hedland due to the fact the bhp iron brickette plant has closed. As far as I am aware there ar4e only a few strong industries there, the port some cattle stations and some mining.
I would be more inclined to suggest purchacing in Karratha as it has a…[Read more]
lukis p replied to the topic Capital growth or CF+ in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 1 month ago
go for CG what is the point in owning property that may be worht the same as what u paid for it in years too come …that is if you can find someone to buy. Everyone seems to believe that by renovating the cheep houses in rural areas they can get great rents or sell and cash in. It sounds like there may be alot of over capitalizing going on and…[Read more]
lukis p replied to the topic Unmotivated Partner in the forum No Subject 20 years, 2 months ago
Hi all,
my girl friend was very cautious on investing (even though she was a property manager). I convinced her that we buy an ip. After 2 years she could see the growth we had made on paper and was more confident with each purchace after we now have 4 ip’s. If your partners are worried about risking your ppor, just ask, what did we pay for this…[Read more]lukis p replied to the topic Ideas???? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 2 months ago
If cash flow is a problem now how will you finance your share of the improvements to the property? it may add to your problem of greater -ve gearing and -ve cash flow…On the other hand if the property is in a blue chip location, it may be a shame to sell and possibly lose out on longer term growth.
Perhaps you could unlock some capital with a…[Read more]
lukis p replied to the topic boom bust in the forum General Property 20 years, 2 months ago
Aus prop i am with u.
I do not understand the fixation with the short term crystal ball gazing????[argue]. I do not see trading eg(buy and do up sell 1 year later) as investing it is gambling, at least with roulette you can work out the odds.If you buy and hold and use equity to buy more and hold never sell until perhaps retyrement to clear the…[Read more]
lukis p replied to the topic 1 mill’ in 1yr in the forum General Property 20 years, 2 months ago
I agree, delayed gratification. Not much fun but often nessacary.[xx(]
lukis p replied to the topic boom bust in the forum General Property 20 years, 2 months ago
myoung, even if my propeties go sidewards for 3 years i have still made significant gains, i have locked in for 15 ytrs at 7.4 % I am in for the long haul.
Real $ is not made over night. unless at the casino’s. but property willcontinue to give great growth and security. Boom Bust who cares lonfg term growth will continue… everyone needs a…[Read more]
lukis p replied to the topic How much time? in the forum General Property 20 years, 2 months ago
I have 4 ips and search the web every few weeks and am not really ready to buy anther yet. I will buy mid year and hold for ever. just secured 7.4 % fixed for 15 yrs so am in no hurray to to spenup big
lukis p replied to the topic Questions for first timer in the forum General Property 20 years, 2 months ago
HMMM i wonder what type of tennant would be attracted at such cheep rent. And i would also think to myself why are they not buying at the cheep prices? could it be they are a credit risk for the banks?
Or are they casual or seasonal workers who will follow work around the state or country? I would speak to the real estate agents and look at the…[Read more]
lukis p replied to the topic boom bust in the forum General Property 20 years, 2 months ago
I have not read any of steves books, but have read kyosaki and jan sommer to mention a few. It seems that there are alot of speculators in the forums, people are talking about rate rises, propety prices diving ect… Am i the only person who does not care about 1 or 2 or 3 years down the track. Am I 1 of the few long term investors who looks to…[Read more]
lukis p replied to the topic Life’s bitter lessons in the forum General Property 20 years, 2 months ago
any mistake you learn from is an expeirience worth paying for it will stop it from happening again. Well maybe not that true look at people and credit cards????
lukis p replied to the topic 16k what to do ? in the forum General Property 20 years, 2 months ago
y not go for something older cheeper that will standout with advertising a hx 2 door monaro can be picked up for around 8 grand, plus will stand out with sign writing, even a torana or other aussie clasic icon will get attention to your dads company logo. Whatever you decide make sure you buy the property. Property is the fastest and safest way…[Read more]
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