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  • Profile photo of luketollyluketolly
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 5


    Thanks for your very helpful response. I have since had a phone conversation with Quartile and formed a similar opinion to yours ie overall they seem honest (although no mention of ongoing property management yet!).

    I would be very interested to understand some of the details of the property they recommended to you (location of property and what capital growth you made and over what period). Also would you deal with them again?


    Profile photo of luketollyluketolly
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 5


    Thanks for the very helpful advice (again).

    My conclusion is that there doesnt seem to be such a strong case to use super funds to purchase an investment property, if borrowing is not possible and I would guess both income and capital growth would have to remain in the SMSF and therefore not generating any positive CF.


    Profile photo of luketollyluketolly
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 5


    Thanks for the response, very helpful. Just as I thought although I have heard of some creative workarounds, such as the SMSF purchasing units in a separate unit trust (ie the deposit monies)and this entity then borrows the remaining funds necessary for the +ve CF investments. Would this work?



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