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  • luketolly replied to the topic Anyone heard about Quartile Property Network? in the forum Heads Up! 18 years, 5 months ago


    Thanks for your very helpful response. I have since had a phone conversation with Quartile and formed a similar opinion to yours ie overall they seem honest (although no mention of ongoing property management yet!).

    I would be very interested to understand some of the details of the property they recommended to you (location of property…[Read more]

  • luketolly replied to the topic Unlocking superannuation funds in the forum Finance 18 years, 5 months ago


    Thanks for the very helpful advice (again).

    My conclusion is that there doesnt seem to be such a strong case to use super funds to purchase an investment property, if borrowing is not possible and I would guess both income and capital growth would have to remain in the SMSF and therefore not generating any positive CF.


  • luketolly replied to the topic Unlocking superannuation funds in the forum Finance 18 years, 5 months ago


    Thanks for the response, very helpful. Just as I thought although I have heard of some creative workarounds, such as the SMSF purchasing units in a separate unit trust (ie the deposit monies)and this entity then borrows the remaining funds necessary for the +ve CF investments. Would this work?




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