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  • lukebe2 replied to the topic Remedial notice – QLD in the forum Legal & Accounting 13 years ago

    Sure. So I have a caretaker that does not show up anymore. The place is nasty and going downhill fast.We have a caretaking agreement for 25 years under the accommodation module rules so cannot just fire them. First step to termination is a remedial notice under the accommodation module 2008 (QLD) to say fix the problems. If you don't you are…[Read more]

  • lukebe2 replied to the topic Remedial notice – QLD in the forum Legal & Accounting 13 years ago

    Sorry Terry it was getting late and I was lazy. The accommodation module 2008 states what is needed in a remedial notice to a caretaker. So I Made up my own remedial advice based on the rules but was after an example so I can compare to mine. Or get someone legally minded to have a look. I would approach a solicitor but my question is not worth…[Read more]

  • lukebe2 replied to the topic PAYG variation and tenants in common in the forum Legal & Accounting 14 years ago

    Thankyou Terryw… now excuse me while I close the door and you hear alot of banging and swearing going on.

  • lukebe2 replied to the topic Market Research in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    Thanks. I’m in NSW and the REI NSW web site does not seem to have anything like that.
    But I have been checking out residex, property value, and a few others. They all look the same to me so I thought I’d ask here.


  • lukebe2 replied to the topic Non Residential Zoning in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    Thanks Guys. As I said I’m new to the game so thought instead of spending hours researching it as a possible investment I’d ask around here.
    Think I’ll play the safer option.

    Allan – There the ones. Since I love my golf I could use the land as a tee-off and hit ’em into the lake (like Kramer on Seinfeld). I’m sure the greenies would love that :)
    I…[Read more]

  • lukebe2 replied to the topic Investment Structure in the forum Legal & Accounting 20 years ago

    You may think I’m mad for posting a question here when my best mate is an account. Well as you would know, sometimes they give text boox advice or there is something they have not experienced yet. So I’m using his skills but finding out what options lie below.

  • lukebe2 replied to the topic Investment Structure in the forum Legal & Accounting 20 years ago

    Thanks guys. Lucky for me my best mate is a CA.

    Had to double check the reply name there Steve. I read your book until 4:30am, so off to work bleary eyed. Actually I think I might call in sick so I can finish it… hahaha great book.
