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Luke B

  • Ryan,

    I’ve looked into US Invest as an option previously. Despite being an initially extremely attractive option, the fact that I am utterly unable to independently verify the house you are selling means it is simply a no go. I’m putting a lot of cash at risk here, in a foreign country to boot.

    All that value you describe as being part of the…[Read more]

  • If that’s not Jay, I’d be curious as to who it is. I though Jay’s model sounded quite appealing and pretty safe, as on OS investor I would be worried about exactly the kind of mess you’ve recently posted about labradorinlove. with this model, you’re not dealing with the property directly, so are unlikley to encouter any such mess.
    the main…[Read more]

  • Luke B replied to the topic US Invest Good Company Or Bad? in the forum worldinvestor 13 years ago

    worldinvestor wrote:
    Seriously,  how could you possibly make an informed decision on whether this group is sourcing suitable properties when you have no information.  A couple of street names and viewing zillow is just not going to cut it.  Would you use the same criteria to purchase property in Australia?Also, zillow has some useful inf…[Read more]

  • Luke B replied to the topic US Invest Good Company Or Bad? in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago

    Anyone know Atlanta well enough to work out the address based on the google maps screenshots? They've told me they can't give you address of anything they've sold. Privacy, <moderator: delete language>. edit: with some rudimentary googling I can see that the property probably lies within an area bracketed by the Terrell Star Pkwy,…[Read more]

  • Luke B replied to the topic US Invest Good Company Or Bad? in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago

    Anyone know Atlanta well enough to work out the address based on the google maps screenshots? They've told me they can't give you address of anything they've sold. Privacy, <moderator: delete language>. edit: with some rudimentary googling I can see that the property probably lies within an area bracketed by the Terrell Star Pkwy,…[Read more]

  • Luke B replied to the topic US Invest Good Company Or Bad? in the forum Anyone know Atlanta well 13 years ago

    Anyone know Atlanta well enough to work out the address based on the google maps screenshots? They've told me they can't give you address of anything they've sold. Privacy, <moderator: delete language>. edit: with some rudimentary googling I can see that the property probably lies within an area bracketed by the Terrell Star Pkwy,…[Read more]

  • Luke B replied to the topic US invest in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago

    Thanks Everyone, seems clear that these aren’t people who I should hand my money over to.
    Still looking to invest, strongly considering going through TrueWholesaleHouses.
    I would however, sincerely appreciate any advise on setting up accounts, whether to get an LLC, etc.
    I’m still doing a lot of research, but advice from the trenches would be…[Read more]

  • Luke B replied to the topic US invest in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago

    It’s the package deal that’s attractive, set up, accounting and legal services, pre tenanted properties, property management and lending. All that sounds pretty good. I don’t have heaps of time and it would be nice for someone else to help sort that out. However, as I suspected and as people seem to confirm, there is a high probability that…[Read more]

  • Luke B replied to the topic US invest in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago

    Thanks Alex, but yes spider senses are already tingling. Someone somewhere must have thrown down some money to these people. How did it go?

  • Luke B replied to the topic Forum. Needs some life. Let’s get something going in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago

    Sure, lets Roll. Freckle posted some interesting stuff. Is property a good investment right now? Or should foreign investors stay local until the actual bottom actually hits? When will that be? How is the situation in Europe going to affect us property for the au investor? Is the dollar going to crash if Europe doesn't get it <moderator:…[Read more]

Luke B