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  • LucyLou replied to the topic cheap property in the forum General Property 21 years, 2 months ago

    Hello one and all,
    I gather from the posts below that Richmastery is not thought of well here ??
    I am from NZ, and they have a huge following, I would be interested in anyones thoughts on what they are doing, and why prehaps you don’t subscribe to their methods, or if you do etc.
    Many thanks

  • LucyLou replied to the topic Where to buy an IP in NZ for under $35K?? in the forum General Property 21 years, 2 months ago

    Hi, I’m not sure that I am even doing this right, yes I would like to swap emails and discuss Tokoroa or any NZ related IP stuff. Can someone explain the different types of members as I see some of you listed as silver etc.
    Many thanks

    Hi Rod

    The 8.5% came from the 2001 census report so the figures are a couple of years out of date.

    [Read more]

  • LucyLou replied to the topic Where to buy an IP in NZ for under $35K?? in the forum General Property 21 years, 2 months ago

    Hi, I am from NZ, and own a IP in Tokoroa, frankly there are very few IP’s in NZ under 40k and for good reason. What can you really expect for that amount ???
    If you buy in a smaller rural town then you have to expect to have a smaller rental market to source your tenants from etc. Yes , you will get good CF but the CG will be small. And as…[Read more]


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