lucigoosey replied to the topic Landlord’s Insurance due. Any better options out there? in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
Just wondering if someone can provide some advise on the type of insurance required for a new landlord.I just purchased a Strata title 1 bedroom apartment. What type insurance should I be taking out for this? Is it only landlord insurance or some other as well?Thank you in advance
lucigoosey replied to the topic Strata and Stratum I dont understand, please help in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
Thank you for the response, much appreciated
Still do not get it, but sounds like i should stay away from it
thank you once again
lucigoosey replied to the topic Looking for some help with this specific investment – apartment block what move to make in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
Thank you…… much appreciatedI am conscious of the current market conditions and really do not want to be making a big mistake herethanks again
lucigoosey replied to the topic Which one to buy – 3 years old or established old property in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
Thanks for your thoughts……something for me to think about………..East Stkilda is definitely an area with greater growth potential
lucigoosey replied to the topic Advise on OTP/newly developed apartments – is it a good investment? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
Derek wrote:
HI Luci,As per your initial post & FYI – new/OTP properties will have a decent depreciable percentage in them. Still recommend getting an independent QS report done.Just wondering what an independent QS report is and who can do them?thank you
lucigoosey replied to the topic Wealth Acceleration Group – any experience? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
Since this topic has come around would people say the same thing about the following organisation"Australian Finance and Property solutions" planning via a property solution is that such a bad thing?thanks
lucigoosey replied to the topic Advise on OTP/newly developed apartments – is it a good investment? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
I would like to hold the property for a cycle of about 5 to 7 years, I see my self as more of a buy and hold and wait for capital growth. It would also depend how much i need to put in to top up the rental payments.
lucigoosey replied to the topic Advise on OTP/newly developed apartments – is it a good investment? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
Who can provide independent advise?
lucigoosey replied to the topic Advise on OTP/newly developed apartments – is it a good investment? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
Thanks Jamie thats a good start and ill do a search in google for the pros and cons.Still hope to hear from people who have had some experience in this areathanks
lucigoosey replied to the topic Where is the soundest state/county to invest in America? in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago
I have herd both cases about Las Vegas.
Its hard to say but from my research the condos don’t do that well but medium to large family homes do well and rent out easily.
Warm climate, many tourists…… some of my research shows a declining population with a high percentage of jobless people and then again some says a growing population …… so…[Read more]lucigoosey replied to the topic Considering US property investment – where to start?!?! in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago
Dale Harmer 10730 wrote:
lucigoosey To your question about cheaper properties in San Antonio. Yes the city does have some very good properties which are well priced. I managed to pick up 2 x 4 plex properties next to each other. One was 45,000 and the other was first listed at 70,000 but we missed out on it. I tracked down the new owner and…[Read more]lucigoosey replied to the topic Considering US property investment – where to start?!?! in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago
Ok so with this in mind can you still get relatively cheap properties in these more stable cities such as
Dallas, Austin, HoustonIs there income and capital growth?
What would the average property cost in those 3 cities?
What do people think of Phoenix?
lucigoosey replied to the topic Considering US property investment – where to start?!?! in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago
Thanks Alistair
sounds like good advise…..Ill try and hunt him down…… doesn’t seem to have a websitelucigoosey replied to the topic Considering US property investment – where to start?!?! in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago
guehling wrote:
Hi Lucigoosey:It is interesting that you have identified those markets. We tend to invest in the ones you identified and avoid the markets you found to be poor. However, we do more due diligence as we factor in local infastructue build and investment, property costs, taxes, school systems etc. To this end we are in Cl…[Read more]lucigoosey replied to the topic Considering US property investment – where to start?!?! in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago
HelloI have been sitting and reading about the US market for hours, seems that there are ideas and theory's every where you look. I did some google searches on things such as "Best vacancy rates" "Growing US population" "Rising vacancy rates" etc etc.So some of the cities that keep popping up on the good side areSan Francisco-Oakland CAAustin…[Read more]
lucigoosey replied to the topic USA investment property in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago
speedy gonzales wrote:
Hi Lucigoosey,White Goodman is correct…exchange rate risk. It also saves using all/some of your Australian equity. You are also correct Lucigoosey in that everyone's situation is different and there is no single approach that suits all. Just like investing in Australia.Hi Speedy….. i may sound like i know what i am…[Read more]
lucigoosey replied to the topic USA investment property in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago
Sanfrancisco wrote:
I have a house in San Francisco Bay area. Works GREAT! Cost $US110,000 for lovely house that just needed paint. Last sold for $400,000. Got 20 tenants that want to rent a $1550/mth, in the 3 days I advertised. Property Tax is 1.25% of purchase price.Closing a similar one soon.Only problem is cant find USA finance under 12%.…[Read more]lucigoosey replied to the topic Where is the soundest state/county to invest in America? in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago
Funny thing this US investment, everyone has a totally different opinion of where to invest.
Why doesn’t anyone talk about areas such as San Fransico, Oakland, Memphis, Seattle
As an outsider these areas seem to be very solid and they have cheap property’s as well as forecolures aswell
any thoughts experts?
lucigoosey replied to the topic USA investment property in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago
Why not just borrow money in Oz seems to be similar interest rate…then? draw down on equity or something like that? I guess everyone is in a different situation with their finances.
lucigoosey replied to the topic USA investment property in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago
So they provide you with US financing? Does that mean your interest rate is at 2%??? How do they do that?
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