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  • lthompson replied to the topic A sick persuit of money in the forum No Subject 19 years, 5 months ago

    Dear all,

    It has been very interesting reading this thread. As one of the ‘flashy programmers’ in IT, I just wanted to point out that each person is a valid human being, no matter what they do, and no matter what their attitude is.

    A friend of mine used to talk about ‘being the bigger person’, by which she meant that when you feel like you are…[Read more]

  • lthompson replied to the topic A sick persuit of money in the forum No Subject 19 years, 6 months ago

    Dear all,

    I have a real issue with one of the statements on the list: ‘What’s wrong with being greedy?’, and ‘Is it really that bad to want to be rich?’

    I think that sometimes, without meaning to, we can be so caught up by all of the hype around ‘being rich’ as a goal to aspire to that we forget what is really going on.

    In some ways, bein…[Read more]


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