this has happened before too – after the fact the contract was signed we realised they had put 1 of our names instead of 2 and the agent said we couldn't change it – we were stuck with it. Which really worried us at the time.
But lucky the contract fell through and a new one came a bit later and we were able to make sure we got what we wanted this time.
If you are young and single getting a room mate seems like a good idea – I would have done this if I had a house at the age of 20. Something not practical when you have a family! you are paying for so many mouths to feed its a big responsibility.
Did you buy your home with a home owners grant? That would have been good back in my day haha
When it comes to cashflow it is definitely important and something you need to keep in check all the time – like with a family budget. This has been a challenge to me early in my marriage – it is different when you are 2 people – you can't just go and buy what you want.
But when it comes to servicing investments it's even more important to keep track of what's going on isn't it. There is so much involved. I am still looking for some software to help me, but for now i am using a spreadsheet – which gets complicated.
Agree with the guys above. IO with offset account is the way to go. However, it's important that you remain disciplined and continue to make regular deposits into your offset account (ie. don't just make the minimal interest only repayments).
When it does come time to purchase an IP (if this is what you choose to do) it may be best to access some of the equity in your current PPOR to use as a deposit (and purchasing costs) instead of using the cash that's in your offset. When investing, it helps to have some back-up funds tucked away in an offset (good for risk minimisation).
Hello. I have heard there are a few – personally used one called and i sold my house in a few months. But I had to get a cheaper price. This was a few years ago now