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  • lowy44 replied to the topic Commercial Property in the forum General Property 15 years ago

    The cafe comes complete with staff and manager, and I would just be a silent owner, accepting the profit as it comes in (well thats how I envisage it, probably completely different). Its the business I am looking at. I dont believe it is leasehold, I believe its freehold, and if I have got this correct, the shop and everything in it. I am looking…[Read more]

  • lowy44 replied to the topic What would you do? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago

    Hi Leah,This would be a nice little money spinner i think. Rent would only have to be more than about $160 a week for it to be putting money strait into your pocket. I think I would be tempted to keep buying from your boss at below cost. They obviously do there research when deciding where to build, so I would imagine there would be no problems…[Read more]

  • lowy44 replied to the topic How should I buy an investment property? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago

    Thomas, I wish I had my head screwed on when I was your age. I lived life to the max instead of moderation and planning for the future. I believe you are doing the right thing. And as said previously, knowledge is everything. Subscribe to property magazines, read websites, download e-books, get yourself along to a seminar or two, all of which I…[Read more]

  • lowy44 replied to the topic Where to from here??? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago

    I have looked at that option but I cant help but think paying rent is wasting money. It sort of defeats the purpose of having IP's. I pay someone else's IP while someone pays mine. I may end up doing that in the long run anyway, begrudgingly i must say, but at least it would only be for a short term untill we found something we like.If I was to do…[Read more]
