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Love my car

  • Love my car replied to the topic Strategies to reduce land tax NSW in the forum Creative Investing 17 years, 10 months ago

    companies have a full threshold. trusts have no threshold..

    But for $7k I wouldnt worry, We pay over $130k a year on our 12 props.

  • Love my car replied to the topic Passive income apart from property? in the forum Creative Investing 17 years, 10 months ago

    Shouldnt the question be aimed at yourself, (Rhetorically) What knowledge, experience do you have of those 3? I love cars but I dont know anything about the car business.

    Go work with someone who owns these business, make your mistakes in someone elses business, then when you are prepared to bet your life on it, jump into business then.

  • Love my car replied to the topic bird dogging in the forum No Subject 17 years, 10 months ago

    Where are they located, Often the reason they are cheap is that they are in a “dying” town rather than a thriving town.

  • Love my car replied to the topic Strategies to reduce land tax NSW in the forum Creative Investing 17 years, 10 months ago

    There are many legal and illegal ways of reducing land tax. I dont feel its right to mention the illegal ways on a forum.

    best legal way is to never own joint name investment properties. My wife, my self and two arms length companies each have the $352k threshold on our props before we pay land tax at 1.7%

    If the prop was owned in joint names…[Read more]

Love my car

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