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  • loungeact replied to the topic Is this legal? in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    Firstly I just wanted to thank everyone for their rpelies, was very interesting to read them all.
    To the people who said to join forces and purchase the home together, I have no issues with that at all, but I mainly thought that that would not be a good idea because I thought it would make me ineligble for the FHOG which I really need to help with…[Read more]

  • loungeact replied to the topic Is this legal? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    TheMortgageAdviser you have jumped to conclusions again, I said “for example”. These are not the figures, and the actual figures are more like I keep the rent the same as what she is paying now ($125 a week) and I pick up the rest, of approximately a high 190k property, so therefore my share is going to be larger anyway that I have to pay

  • loungeact replied to the topic Is this legal? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    At the moment she does receive rent assistance towards where we are staying. But she wants to cut ties with Centrelink and gain an extra shift (shes not really receiving that much money off Centrelink at the moment, to be worth putting up with all their hassles, letters, phone calls, appointments, etc.)

  • loungeact replied to the topic Is this legal? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    I think a few of you were pretty qiuck to jump the gun there. Maybe i just didnt explain myself too well. But Surreyhughes got it right. Of course I would ask my Mum to buy the house as well with me, but she cant afford it. She’s a single parent & only a part time worker, with no assests AT all other thana cheapish car. At the moment we have cheap…[Read more]

  • loungeact replied to the topic Help/tips to reach my goals. 1st timer in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Thanks Unicorn!
    How would I find about approx how much it would cost to have an agent working for me?

  • loungeact replied to the topic Help/tips to reach my goals. 1st timer in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Just another reason as to why I am initially against purchasing too many IP’s is I was thinking for example if I had 5 IP’s (my maximum in my plan as of now) and if at any one time say 2 of those didn’t have tenants in them (maybe a bit unlucky but sitll very possible) with the possiblity of myself having moved back into my own home i am to buy…[Read more]

  • loungeact replied to the topic Young Investors in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    Nice thread, I second that. Would be very interesting to hear from you, should be inspiring to those of us who are young but yet to jump in to it yet.

  • loungeact replied to the topic Help/tips to reach my goals. 1st timer in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Wanted to come on here and thakn everyone for their replies. The seminar idea definately seems like the way to go. So far I have brought Rich kid Smart Kid and $10 million in 10 years. Enjoyed both reads. Will def. purchase a couple more books in the coming months.
    Turboz – I have to wait until next year to purchase 1st property because I dont…[Read more]

  • loungeact replied to the topic Houses in country areas, good for CG? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Thanks for the reply Westan! I am mostly keen on the West of Victoria, places such as Hamilton, Castlemain, Ballarat, Horsham, etc. Would like to purchase something for under $120,000. I’m not too into the ‘long haul’ but more so about 5-7 years maximum. Do you think I could profit much in this time frame in any of these areas. Looking at putting…[Read more]

  • loungeact replied to the topic Been saving, now wanting to buy 1st IP Want advice in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    Thanks all for your replise, I really appreciate your help and thoughts. Dazzling, I take onboard your advice and I will get to work on planning and mapping this out a bit more, I’ll write it all down so it’s not just thoughts in my head anymore. Do you (or anyone else) have any tips on what I should look for in a 1st property to get me started?…[Read more]

  • loungeact replied to the topic Been saving, now wanting to buy 1st IP Want advice in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Thanks for the reply, Terry. I am thinking maybe to not use the FHOG at all and not live in the house, so that we can use it a few years down the track on our own home, but if we do decide we need the grant then what you said is a tops idea, to just put the 1st house in one of our names. Cheers!
