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  • Profile photo of LostosLostos
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 8

    I am not paying for the bills at least thats what tje agreement says.
    If i agreed to renovate that would be different. I truly feel trapped

    Profile photo of LostosLostos
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 8

    Great to hear from some one onthe other side. I was not given the choice as the
    Buyer seemed to hide what he actually wanted to do. So the agreement only
    Included what he said he would do. It now a breach of the agreement

    Profile photo of LostosLostos
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 8

    The key undertaking does not include any of the works he is actually doing it
    Was mainly to render some parts of the outside of the building and a crack
    In the kItchen. He is re designing the entire flat with a new floor plan. Floor boards
    Sinks bath kitchen units etc have been taken away. All wall paper stripped and new door
    Ways created.

    Profile photo of LostosLostos
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 8

    Thanks for all replies. I am a little bit more scared but i guessi have to stay strong
    I spent my day yesterday looking for a litigation / contract solicitor. All solicitors have
    Said go back to your solicitor as she knows the story. But speaking to her she says i
    Need a property litigation specialist.
    Last night the neigbour callled to complain about a new crack in their bed rooom wall
    Leaking water and lose of cold and hot water this was 11am in the night as they have a
    3 week old baby and need running water.

    Ill be sending pictures to my solicitors today and ask that she pushes for an earlier
    Completion date as well as tha the works stop until then.

    Profile photo of LostosLostos
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 8

    This is way over my head. I just had a call from my neigbour downstairs to say theer is a crack and a

    Profile photo of LostosLostos
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 8

    I have just spoke to my Solicitor who is refering me to a Litigation specialist. I feel I was not well informed about the pros and cons with a Key undertaking. I thought it was a contract. I am still paying a mortgage on this flat and this man has taken it upon himself to not only blist my flat but change the floor plan by knocking through new doors. I am almost too scared to talk incase he walks away with the flat uncompleted. The 10% deposit he's left is no where near whats needed to correct theflat or even to make good. 

    Profile photo of LostosLostos
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 8

    The completion date is in Septemer. So no I have notreceive the full money for my flat….yet
    Once its his he can do what he want

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