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  • Lostos replied to the topic Can I pull out of this Sale in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 1 month ago

    I am not paying for the bills at least thats what tje agreement says.
    If i agreed to renovate that would be different. I truly feel trapped

  • Lostos replied to the topic Can I pull out of this Sale in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 1 month ago

    The key undertaking does not include any of the works he is actually doing it
    Was mainly to render some parts of the outside of the building and a crack
    In the kItchen. He is re designing the entire flat with a new floor plan. Floor boards
    Sinks bath kitchen units etc have been taken away. All wall paper stripped and new door
    Ways created.

  • Lostos replied to the topic Can I pull out of this Sale in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 1 month ago

    Thanks for all replies. I am a little bit more scared but i guessi have to stay strong
    I spent my day yesterday looking for a litigation / contract solicitor. All solicitors have
    Said go back to your solicitor as she knows the story. But speaking to her she says i
    Need a property litigation specialist.
    Last night the neigbour callled to complain…[Read more]

  • Lostos replied to the topic Can I pull out of this Sale in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 1 month ago

    This is way over my head. I just had a call from my neigbour downstairs to say theer is a crack and a

  • Lostos replied to the topic Can I pull out of this Sale in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 1 month ago

    I have just spoke to my Solicitor who is refering me to a Litigation specialist. I feel I was not well informed about the pros and cons with a Key undertaking. I thought it was a contract. I am still paying a mortgage on this flat and this man has taken it upon himself to not only blist my flat but change the floor plan by knocking through new d…[Read more]

  • Lostos replied to the topic Can I pull out of this Sale in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 1 month ago

    The completion date is in Septemer. So no I have notreceive the full money for my flat….yetOnce its his he can do what he want


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