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  • lordoftheundead replied to the topic Using security? in the forum Finance 16 years, 5 months ago

    Thanks again Richard, your a wealth of knowledge.i will contact my solicitor 1st thing monday!does anybody know how lenders would  view my partners borrowing capacity if she were to supply me with a mortgage from her LOC?regardsPete

  • lordoftheundead replied to the topic Using security? in the forum Finance 16 years, 5 months ago

    Thanks again Richard,i'm guessing a document written up by a solicitor would be the best option but as we are not in the business of ripping each other off are we able to have her money paid into a new account in my name and show myself making repayments with interest – is there somewhere i can get an agreement where i just have to fill in the…[Read more]

  • lordoftheundead replied to the topic Using security? in the forum Finance 16 years, 5 months ago

    Thanks Richard, very helpfulli had considered getting her to lend me money from her LOC but am unsure how to go about it, how does the ato view someone borrowing money then lending it out at the same rate? does it have to be lent out at a higher rate? also is there any issues with partners lending money between them?cheerspete


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