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  • LonelySingleMan replied to the topic Eat your heart out, you single girls in the forum Opinionated! 20 years, 6 months ago

    Celivia said “And bad poetry is a turn-off!”

    Are you perhaps having a go at me Celivia ?

    I know I am pretty good with words though I would be the first to admit that I couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket.

    I have therefore realised that if there is one characteristic I should be looking for in a girl it would have to be that she can sing.

    To know…[Read more]

  • LonelySingleMan replied to the topic Split Loans – High Court in the forum No Subject 20 years, 7 months ago

    What would the situation be if one only owns an investment property and one elects to let the interest accrue and be added to the loan ?

    One collects rent from the investment property which is of course txable income.

    The interest on the original loan amount is of course tax deductable and can be offset against one’s income.

    The interest…[Read more]

  • LonelySingleMan replied to the topic Eat your heart out, you single girls in the forum Opinionated! 20 years, 7 months ago

    Shaunwalker , you said “Wwhen reading the email asking me out on a date i had to laugh and just think
    karma baby…. karma!”

    Who hasn’t made a particular decision and subsequently changed his or her mind.

    You may be making the biggest mistake of your life Shaunwalker.

    Anyway, if that’s the way you think then so be it. Would you mind giving me…[Read more]

  • LonelySingleMan replied to the topic Eat your heart out, you single girls in the forum Opinionated! 20 years, 7 months ago

    Hi WallFlower,

    I am really starting to feel something stirring in me for you WallFlower. The fact that you may be married or, for that matter, have some children, all of these things wouldn’t really stand in my way if I felt a strong attraction to someone.

    Whilst I am a romantic person I do not quite have a way with words like some people d…[Read more]

  • LonelySingleMan replied to the topic Bye Bye NSW Property Market (long) in the forum General Property 20 years, 7 months ago

    You slug it to them Melbear, I admire you. I have already seen your photo. I like the looks of you.

    Are you single by any chance ?



  • LonelySingleMan replied to the topic Eat your heart out, you single girls in the forum Opinionated! 20 years, 7 months ago

    Eyes do however matter to me, Wallflower.

    Looking at your picture I have been dreaming about you for the last five days and just cannot get you out of my mind.

    I am a rather romantic type of person (as you will see in my profile) and when I woke up this morning after again having been dreaming about you the following song came into my mind. I…[Read more]


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