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  • lobochick replied to the topic townhouse definition in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 10 months ago

    I have a townhouse in Highgate Hill in Brisbane that is not part of an estate. They are like houses with only a courtyard each, 2 stories, but share common walls. There are quite high body corp fees, however, despite there not being very much, or exciting, common ground. There are no pools, security gates, etc.

    Make sure you get an accurate…[Read more]

  • lobochick replied to the topic Compensation from so-called Property Manager in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 10 months ago

    Thanks for the advice.

    Is there nowhere to go to when PMs do not fulfill their contractual promises? Most professions are accountable for undertaking the responsibilities outlined in their contracts, and contracts are supposed to be binding. It is very hard to keep an eye on your property when you are overseas and the PM rarely replies to your…[Read more]


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