Loans USA replied to the topic Financing for investment properties non-US foreign investor. in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago
Hi Rickyes we can look at 'cash out' on properties. The fees we offer are not $5000.00. Call me if you would like to find out more. Im sure you still have the number
Loans USA replied to the topic offically mine in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago
That is such great news Rick. So glad it finally happend for you!
Loans USA replied to the topic Financing for investment properties non-US foreign investor. in the forum IMC Newbury
The information 14 years agoIMC Newbury
The information you have been waiting on has just come to hand. Cash out is available up to 50% of the purchase price. I you would like to email or return the phone call we would be happy to start the process for you ASAP.
So no dihonesty, just a lot of hard work to get what you wanted.
Awaiting your phone call and email
Loans USA replied to the topic How to finance a property in the USA in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago
Hi Adam
Great question.
Lending is available in all states of the US at the moment. It is dependant on the property. The LTV ranges from 50% to 75%. This finance is available, you just need to know where to look in Australia.
Loans USA replied to the topic Financing for investment properties non-US foreign investor. in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago
Hey RickKansas is no longer a no loan zone. Really does depend on the property though.Great to hear you went well with your purchases.
Loans USA replied to the topic Financing for investment properties non-US foreign investor. in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago
Troy: I agree, financing in the US is completley different to Australia. Just to bring you up to date, Loans USA do not only limit loans to purchasers of their own property.
Leo: An LTV of up to 75% is highly achievable in the US. In states and suburbs where properties are in the lower price bracket LTV achievements of up to 70% is most…[Read more]
Loans USA replied to the topic Memphis – ANybody Investing There? in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago
Hi Sapphire
We have had many client purchase in Memphis who are so happy with the properties they have purchased.
We also have finance available there.
From experience I can let you know that Memphis is a large rental property market. The renters like to be near their employment, so look for properties that google close to the Nike factory,…[Read more]